Since 1957, more than 7,000 Los Angeles area teenagers have participated in a high-level, six-week intensive summer program of California State University Northridge’s Department of Theatre, learning skills for acting, singing and dancing - as well as improvisation, audition preparation, playwriting and stagecraft (lights, sound and scenic construction).  Students participate in all aspects (auditioning, rehearsing, etc.) of two plays TADW produces, along with an improv night, musical theatre showcase, and a “10-Minute Play Festival.”

The Teenage Drama Workshop (TADW) offers a safe, caring environment for students to learn life skills such as those needed for working together, and increase self-esteem coming from self-discipline, hard work and access to positive feedback (for many, this is their first experience in a university environment, and some may also consider future studies or a career in the theatre). 

Scholarships are available for students needing financial assistance for program tuition. Faculty include CSUN professors, theatre professionals and CSUN students.  The 65th anniversary of TADW will be in 2022.