
TADW Summer Program

TADW is designed to give you an opportunity to engage in the creative and collaborative activities of theatre, which will benefit you personally, academically, and in your community life. Some of you come with many years of dramatic experience, others with none, but together we will explore the varied aspects of drama to make this a dynamic and celebratory summer.

Take advantage of the many activities and opportunities offered to you this summer; however, please remember that we are operating as a team, and the failure of any one individual to meet his or her obligations hurts the efforts of the entire group. Classwork should be your first priority, and attendance is mandatory for participating in the plays. The productions are a reflection of your growth as an artist. If nothing else is accomplished this summer, we hope you will prove that you are a young adult that can assume responsibility, make worthwhile decisions, and honor your commitments.

We hope that you will form many friendships this summer and that all of us will have a creative, productive, and enjoyable summer.


 Dates: June 12-July 25, 2025

Ages: 12-18




2025 Productions:

Matilda, The Musical Jr. 


The Hobbit










Refund Policy

All refund requests must be done in writing, with the student’s name and date. Requests should be emailed to Garry D. Lennon and Alicia Lawrence

In the event of the cancellation of the summer 2024 program, registration fees would be refunded or with permission be applied to summer 2025. After the start of the program, fees are non-refundable. 

Refunds are made according to the schedule below, after deducting the non-refundable registration fee of $250

Time of RequestRefund
May 31, 202490% of tuition feesexcluding the non-refundable deposit 
June 3-7, 202450% of tuition fees, excluding the non-refundable deposit
June 13, 2024No refunds

TADW administration reserves the right to grant exceptions to the stated policy in situations, but not limited to illness and death in the immediate family. 

No refunds are given if a student is asked to leave the program for a violation of the Code of Conduct.