Language, Speech and Hearing Center

  • center staff with clients and visiting firefighters and firetrucks

    Language, Speech, and Hearing Center

  • image shows practice of audiology
  • monterey hall as shown from south side. Photo by lee choo, csun

The Early Start Services and Early Intervention Program

The CSUN Early Intervention Program is a center-based program, in which the majority of the children are referred and funded through the Regional Center system

This is a program for children ages 0-3 years old offering services from Speech-Language Pathology Professionals and Student Clinicians.

History of CSUN Early Intervention Program

Born out of a federal grant in the late 1960s, the CSUN Early Intervention Program was part of a nationwide study of the efficacy of early intervention.  CSUN was one of the earliest programs to provide solid evidence that early and consistent exposure to developmentally appropriate activities in a structured setting helped children who were at risk of falling behind their peers.  In addition, children who were identified as already beginning to fall behind, or who were slow to develop, showed developmental gains in some or all developmental areas while in early intervention programs.  Subsequent studies of the CSUN program and other programs in this geographical area continue to support center-based early intervention as a cost-effective and developmentally-appropriate program for young children.

CSUN Early Intervention Program Services

The CSUN Early Intervention Program remains at the core of the its Early Start Program today.  This is a center-based program, in which the majority of the children are referred and funded through the Regional Center system.  It is open to all children and families, with its emphasis remaining on children with special needs.  Children must be between the ages of 0-3 years, and have a parent or grandparent attend and participate with them throughout the program.   Children receive instruction and support in a variety of domains: speech and language, fine and gross motor, cognitive and social skills, and adaptive and play skills.   Indoor and outdoor activities are included, as well as snack and circle time, and field trips.   Regular progress reports and conferences are provided.

CSUN Early Intervention Program and Individual Speech Therapy

Individual speech therapy is included in the Early Intervention Program.  Additional individual speech therapy is also available upon request.  This Program coordinates all services with the Regional Center through the IFSP process.  All reports and information are shared with the Regional Center for Regional Center clients, and parents can request that they be shared with other providers as well.  This Program collaborates with other service providers, and parents are welcome to arrange for other providers to visit:  parents can make arrangements with the front office for provider visits.

If you are interested in CSUN Early Intervention Services - Complete the Information Form

Early Intervention Program Information Form

Be sure to contact Regional Center to request funding for the CSUN Early Intervention Program.

Interested in the CSUN Early Intervention Program for your Child? You Can Request a Visit

A word about transitions:  transitioning from one program to another can be difficult for anyone, parent or child.  If you are considering coming to the CSUN program, please visit first.  Let us help you through the process.  If your child is transitioning from home care to a preschool program, consider a mommy and me program of some kind for about 6 months (this one or another one) so you and your child can move through the transition together. Sometimes a program just isn’t a good fit; if you have given a program a month, and you and your child are not settling in, then it is time to visit another program.   If you have any questions for us, please call us at 818-677-2856.

What to do if you have a problem or complaint about the Early Intervention Program at CSUN:

  1. First, try to resolve it at the source.  Talk with the professionals or Clinic Coordinator who are in the Program, and work with them to try to resolve the issue at this local level.
  2. Second, contact your Service Coordinator at Regional Center.  Let your Service Coordinator what the issue is, what you have tried so far and who you have spoken to.  Work with your Service Coordinator to try to resolve the issue.
  3. Third, contact one of the Early Start Coordinators at Regional Center. Let that Coordinator know that you have tried, and who you worked with.  Tell the Coordinator why you feel the issue is not resolved, and work with the Coordinator to come to a resolution.
  4. Fourth, while we all hope that issues affecting you and your child can be resolved at the local level, sometimes they cannot.  The Department of Developmental Services has a booklet for all families that need assistance beyond the local level.  You are welcome to download this booklet and follow its instructions for complaints or appeals. You may also wish to save or bookmark this for future reference.    

Consumer Rights, Appeals & Complaints