HERE Center

HERE Center Classes - Spring 2021

Enrollments are now closed.

We have three engaging courses to choose from: Health Psychology and Sustainability in Action, An Introduction to Transformative Organizing, and Critical Social Research.

**IMPORTANT: These internship courses are NOT psychology elective courses. They only count toward your general elective units.

Health Psychology and Sustainability in Action

Psychology 497: (3 units)

View Class Flyer


  • Spring 2020, Fully Online
  • Available for graduate credit
  • Prerequisites: PSY 150 and UDWPE (score over 8)
  • Thursday | 2:00PM - 4:45PM
  • # of students: 20
  • Instructor: Lisa Chaudhari
  • Recommended: PSY 301


- Learn practical applications of health psychology, health disparities, and sustainability knowledge and approaches in the context of an existing community situation.

- Example projects include mental health and climate change, environmental health hazards in the San Fernando Valley, and health asset mapping in specific Valley neighborhoods.

- Work in partnership with community organizations to develop joint solutions.

Enrollment by permission only

To sign up for this course, email Dr. Lisa Chaudhari:


An Introduction to Transformative Organizing

Psychology 497: (3 units)

View Class Flyer


  • Wednesday | 3:30PM - 6:15PM
  • # of students: 24


Taught by Eric Mann, the director of the Los Angeles Labor/Community Strategy Center. The course examines questions of internalized oppression and the construction of the successful organizer. It will offer encouragement to commit to social change and view participation in organizations as the only road for personal fulfillment and self-actualization.

Enrollment by permission only

To sign up for this course, email Dr. Carrie Saetermoe:


Critical Social Research

Psychology 497C: (3 units)

View Class Flyer


  • Spring 2020, Fully Online
  • Prerequisites: PSY 320/321 (or close equivalent)
  • Thursday | 3:30PM - 6:15PM
  • Recommended: PSY 485AD/S and/or PSY 485GT/S


- Develop important quantitative and qualitative research skills while simultaneously working on creating real-world social scientific knowledge.

- Integrate theory, prior research, and matters concerning social justice by working on one of two active projects to choose from.

- Ideal for any student interested in learning about, and pursuing, social justice careers in psychology and the social science.

Enrollment by permission only

To sign up for this course, email Dr. Jose. H. Vargas: