Chair: Kent Baxter
Notes compiled by: Kate Haake
In the aftermath of this week’s election, we find ourselves in uncharted territories, the world of so many of our students–our friends, our colleagues, our families, ourselves–shaken. Critical and cultural analysis, the very skills we teach our students, may be of some value here as we work to assess this historical moment. But as many of us have already met with stricken students, we need to remember the variety of ways this campus will be working to support them. Members of the University Counseling Center have been filling in this week at the DREAM Center, and, as ever, are available in Bayramian Hall 520. In the weeks ahead, the DREAM Center will also be putting together more structured support–including legal clinics/resources–to ensure that all of our students, staff, and faculty have an appropriate level of emotional, psychological, and logistical support. Please be alert for updates and do let your students know.
Another way to support our students is to acknowledge their outstanding work, so this is your nudge that we find ourselves, already, at award time. You will all have received guidelines in your email from Beth Wightman, Chair of the Amenities and Awards Committee, but the list of awards we will be giving this fall includes the Linda Nichols Joseph English Merit Scholarship, the Oliver W. Evans Writing Prize, the Eva Latif Writing Prize in Children’s Literature, the Philip E. Love English 205 Scholarship, the Peterson Morley Award, and the Richard Lid and Helen Lodge Scholarship. The deadline will soon be upon us, so please, if you have promising students, encourage them to apply. Unless otherwise specified in the fine print, all application materials must be submitted by the applicant to the English Department office (Sierra Tower 706) by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 18th, 2016.
The COAPD (Career Opportunities and Professional Development) team is hosting a Professionalization Mini Series with Dr. Colleen Tripp’s ENGL 601 class, and would love for some of us to join them. On Tuesday, November 15, J.C. Lee will be talking about conference presentations and attendance; on Tuesday, November 22, Chris Higgs will be talking about Ph.D.’s and employment with the humanities degree; and on Tuesday, November 29, Lauren Byler will be talking about scholarly publishing. All sessions will take place in JR 303, with the first and last taking place from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and the middle session, with Chris Higgs, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Space is limited, so get there early! For more information, please contact Rachel Dulaney at rachel.dulaney.56@my.csun.edu.
The Melrose Bellow is coming up. This free literary festival will be taking place this Saturday, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., on–where else?–Melrose Avenue. There will be poets, storytellers, comedians, fiction writers, and musicians. From the largest open mic in Los Angeles, Da Poetry Lounge, to the famous Groundlings Comedy Club, to the bilingual women’s collective, Las Lunas Locas, the Melrose Bellow will be a taste of what makes Los Angeles a literary force. For more information, please see their website: www.melrosebellow.com.
On Wednesday, November 16th, Julie Neff Lippman, will be coming to Irene Clark‘s English 455 class, “Literacy, Rhetoric, and Culture,” to give a talk on the topic of learning disabilities, and all are welcome to attend. The class meets at 2:00 in JR 244. Should be an interesting discussion.
Don’t forget to fill out this five minute survey assessing CSUN’s innovation and economic impact, sent to us by President Harrison: https://academictrial.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3mAFnJWjQMgoLgp.
Enchao Shi presented a research paper at the 30th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation, Seoul, South Korea, and its title was “Secondary Predicates in Native and Nonnative Grammars.”