Educational Psychology & Counseling

Working with First Generation Students in Graduate School: Building Community to Enhance Self-Care

Tuesday, March 6, 2018 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

ED 1214/1216

Working with First Generation Students in Graduate School: Building Community to Enhance Self-Care

Join the COE Self-Care Program and the EPC Diversity Committee for a panel with COE First Generation College Students to expand our notion of self-care and build community. This event will be moderated by Dr. Miguel Ceja, and faculty and staff will have a chance to learn from our diverse student panel, as well as receive useful tools for working with First Generation College Students inside and outside of the classroom. The objective for the event are as follows:

  1. Learning to care for our students as we care for ourselves
  2. Learning to value our whole selves, which leads to valuing the wholeness of our communities
  3. Expanding our notion of self-care
  4. Learning how to better support our first generation students

Lunch will be provided, so we request that you RSVP to We hope many of you will be able to join us for this event!

Click here to view the full flyer (.pdf)