Spring break begins on Saturday, and not a moment too soon! Wishing you all a restful and healthy break.
Please keep an eye out for a forthcoming schedule of campus visits for the College of Humanities Associate Dean position. The visits will happen after spring break.
Please mark a save the date for April 28, 12pm for next learning lunch! Reach out to Amanda Harrison, John Gides, and JC Lee with any questions.
Lecturer Pool Opportunity: Academic First-Year Experiences (AFYE): Due March 23
FYE faculty position announcements for academic year 2023-2024 have been posted at the links below.
U100 – Freshman Seminar (3 units)
U396A – Transfer Success Seminar (1 unit)
AFYE provides faculty training and extensive teaching resources. Of note, we have many cohorts that your faculty might be well suited for:
UNIV 100: Freshman Seminar cohorts (3-unit course)
- Black Excellence
- College of Science & Mathematics
- David Nazarian College of Business & Economics
- Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf Studies
- Department of Art
- Department of Child & Adolescent Development
- Department of Criminology & Justice Studies
- Department of Kinesiology
- EOP – FreshStart
- First Year Experiences (student housing)
- Health Careers
- Honors
UNIV 396A: Transfer Success Seminar (1-unit course)
- College of Health & Human Development
- College of Humanities
- College of Science & Mathematics
- College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
- David Nazarian College of Business & Economics
- Department of Child & Adolescent Development
- Department of Criminology & Justice Studies
- Department of Kinesiology
- Department of Liberal Studies
- Department of Psychology
- Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, & Communication
The application deadline is Thursday, March 23 at 4 p.m. and this is a firm deadline.
Thank you for the consideration and please contact with questions.
Publication opportunity
Ian Barnard, Emeritus English faculty member and current Professor of Rhetoric and Composition, Honors Professor, and Director of LGBTQ Studies at Chapman University, has shared this important pedagogical opportunity with our community. Please consider submitting and to offer readers an example of how we lead with trauma-informed principles of care for our students.
From Ian: “I am one of seven co-editors of a proposed anthology on the topic of trigger warnings. I am attaching the call for proposals FYI, and hope you will consider submitting a proposal! You’ll see from the call for proposals that we (the co-editors) welcome a variety of genres of contributions (including short reflections and anecdotes), and would also love to hear from students, so please feel free to distribute this call for proposals to your students. 250-500 word proposals are due May 1.” Email barnard <at> chapman <dot> edu with questions or with your proposals.

California Rare Book School Summer Courses – some taught by our own faculty!
Consider taking a CalRBS course this summer to learn more about innovative, decolonize approaches to the scholarship and pedagogy of book history and material culture. Our own Charles Hatfield, Sean Pessin, and Jackie Stallcup are teaching courses this summer. Deadline to apply is May 1, 2023.
Pedagogical/Online Teaching Development
Spring Session 2 CSU QLT courses begin on March 27 and registration is still open! Courses are asynchronous over three weeks and take approximately 15-20 hours. From basics of online teaching strategies to training to review online teaching courses, you can find a professional development opportunity that is best for you.
The Department is in need of several tenure-track/tenured faculty members to complete the advanced QLT + Reviewing Courses Using the QLT Rubric trainings.
For more information, see the CSU QLT Website.
A number of faculty completed the ACUE pedagogy training, which focuses both on best practices in online teaching and in pedagogy more broadly. These include: Dylan Altman, Scott Andrews, Jon Beadle, Stacey Bieber, Kimmerly Brady, Star Glover, Emily Havey, Andrea Hernandez, Santosh Khadka, Kelan Koning, Noreen Lace, Stephanie Lim, Jacqueline Meisel, Amber Norwood, Trista Payte, Sean Pessin, Kathleen Roman, Maseri Kisa Schultz, Nicole Solis, Rae Spitler-Lawson, Patricia Swenson, Audrey Thacker, Kimberly Wells, and Beth Wightman.
On February 15th-17th, Irene Clark attended the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) held in Chicago. She was the keynote speaker at the Cognition Special Interest Group, and she also presented a paper titled, “Literacy, Narratives, Identity, and the Brain: Story as a Springboard of Hope.”
In Memoriam
Beloved former student and TA, Eric J. Lawrence (MA, 2019), passed away last month. A scholarship celebrating his life and his brilliant work in our department and as a music librarian and DJ at KCRW has been established to help support future English MA students who wish to study the area of pop culture broadly defined. If you are able, please consider supporting this fund.
Background: Eric J. Lawrence was a respected and admired member of the English Department at CSUN, where his expertise as a teacher, a graduate student, and as a scholar of American Literature, noir, and pop culture studies complemented his encyclopedic knowledge of music. As a beloved on-air personality for UCLA Radio and as host of long-running show Dragnet on KCRW, he shared his outstanding musical knowledge and taste with the greater Los Angeles community for decades, and he also served KCRW as one of its most knowledgeable music librarians. In person and over the air waves, Eric had the unique capability to create a shared community of love for and about music and media, and he brought countless indie acts to the attention of wide audiences. He was a teacher and scholar both in the classroom and in our culture, and the care that he gave to his audiences and his in-class students provides an ongoing legacy for this work.
To contribute to the Eric J. Lawrence Pop Culture Studies Memorial Scholarship, please click here, then follow these instructions:
- Select “English Department” if it’s not already selected.
- In the Additional Information section, in the last field “Other special instructions”, please type Eric J. Lawrence Pop Culture Studies Memorial Scholarship.
- In the next section, “Tribute Information”, choose “This gift is in honor or memory of someone.
- Choose “In memory of” in the Type drop down
- for First name please type Eric and
- for last name please type Lawrence.
- You don’t need to choose the “mail a letter on my behalf to…”
- When you are done, click continue and move forward to the payment page.