Student Success Seminars

  • U100 Faculty Resources

Academic Year 2025-2026



Application Instructions for Academic First Year Experiences (AFYE)

General Instructions

  • IMPORTANT: Please read the position announcement(s) very carefully. Applications missing any requested information or documents will not be considered.
  • See position announcement(s) for electronic submission instructions; please do not email your application materials.
  • There are separate submission links for our two courses (U100 and U301). If you are applying to teach both courses, please follow these guidelines:
    • Resume or CV
      • Please submit only ONE resume or CV
      • Submit to either submission link (your choice)
    • Letter of Interest
      • Please submit ONE letter that clearly states you are applying to teach both U100 and U301 and addresses all of the details specified in both position announcements.
      • Submit to either submission link (your choice)
    • Reflections (approximately 125 words per question)
      • Please submit ONE, be sure to include:
        • Answer to reflection question 1 (note: this is the same for both U100 and U301, so you only need to answer it once)
        • Answer to reflection question 2 for U100
        • Answer to reflection question 2 for U301
      • Submit the reflection to the either submission link (your choice)
    • Professional Recommendation Forms
      • Please submit TWO, total. Please see the position announcement for important and more detailed information about the professional recommendations.
      • Link to Form

New AFYE Applicants

  • New AFYE applicants (or those who have not applied or taught an AFYE course within the last 5 years)
    • Submit a complete application (see position announcement for details)

Returning AFYE Applicants

  • Recent AFYE applicants (those who have taught or applied to teach an AFYE course within the last 5 years)
    • Resume or CV
      • This is only required if the resume/CV in our files is older than 5 years or if there have been updates you would like us to have.
    • Letter of Interest
      • Required.
        • If you are applying to the same pool(s) you have been in within the last 5 years, simply state the course(s) and pool(s) you are applying to teach.
        • If you are applying to a course pool you have not been in within the last 5 years, your letter must also clearly address all of the required and desired qualifications specified in the relevant position announcement.
    • Reflection
      • Required. Submit your reflection, as described in the position announcement.
    • Professional Recommendations
      • Not required. However, if you would like to replace one or more of your previous recommendations, please send a written request to Kim Henige and specify which recommendation(s) you would like to replace and who the new recommendation(s) will come from.

Returning AFYE Applicants with Current 3-Year Entitlements

  • AFYE applicants with a current 3-year entitlement with AFYE: Send an email to and indicate: (1) you plan to come back for academic year 2025-26, and (2) which course(s) and pool(s) you would like to be placed into (U100/U100 Honors, U100-Advancing Chicanx/Latinx Scholars. U100-Black Excellence, U100-Central American Experience, U100-Deaf/Hard of Hearing/Deaf Studies, U100-FrestStart/EOP, U301)
  • IMPORTANT: if you are applying to a new pool (a pool you have not been a part of in the last 5 years), please submit a letter of interest that clearly describes the how you meet each of the qualifications listed on the position announcement for that pool.
  • Note: If you are up for a renewed Y3 appointment, you may want to submit a reflection, but it is not required.

CSUN Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty

  • CSUN tenured/tenure-track faculty: The professional recommendations referred to in the position announcements are not required as part of your application; all other application components are required.


Professional Recommendation Form

Note: Recommendations must be submitted/sent directly by recommenders; we do not accept recommendations sent by applicants.

Link to Form



The University 100 Steering Committee is advisory to the AFYE Director and Course Coordinator and help to manage and monitor the course, assist in its continuing development, and help design professional development for new and continuing faculty members teaching the course.

Committee Members  

  • Autumn Fabricant
  • Sharon Lim
  • Gigi McGuire
  • Amber Norwood
  • Gretchelle Quiambao
  • Jeff Sosner




Academic First Year Experiences
Valera Hall 280

18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8370

Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m

People to Contact

Kim Henige, Ed.D.
AFYE Director
(818) 677-3932
Email Kim Henige

Cynthia Gomez
AFYE Administrative Analyst/Specialist
(818) 677-6535
Email Cynthia Gomez

Debbi Mercado
AFYE Course & Community-Based Learning Programs Coordinator & Faculty
Email Debbi Mercado



Thank you for your interest in U100.