1. Announcements
Emeritus Professor Robert Louis Chianese will be reading his poetry at the Opening Reception of a new exhibit, “Cruel Season: Artists Reflecting on Drought and Fire,” at the Museum of Ventura County on Thursday September 18, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. For more information, see http://venturamuseum.org/current-exhibitions-3/mvc-current-exhibitions/.
The California Faculty Association will host a “Welcome Back Luncheon” on Tuesday, September 23 from 2:00-3:30 at the Sierra Center Colleagues Room. Speakers will inform faculty on workload and salary proposals. RSVP at 818/677-5919.
This year’s Faculty Retreat, which will be held on January 12 and 13 at the USU Northridge Center, will focus on sharing your research and expertise across diverse arenas in education. Preference will be given to proposals that have an explicit connection with the theme “Celebrating Diversity.” Online registration begins in late October at:http://www.csun.edu/faculty-senate/faculty-retreat. If you have questions, please call the Faculty Senate Office at X3263 or email: heidiw@csun.edu. Presentation Proposals due: October 20, 2014. The online Proposal Form can be found at: http://www.csun.edu/faculty-senate/faculty-retreat-proposals.
2. Reminders
The Amenities Committee kindly asks you to contribute to our annual fund, which finances the holiday party, refreshments for department meetings, and celebrations for faculty and staff retirements and other milestones. Contributions (in the form of cash or checks) should be given to Marlene Cooksey (ST 704). Checks should be made out to “Amenities.” (Please don’t put cash in Marlene’s mailbox.) Suggested contributions are the same as last year: Professor $70, Associate $50, Assistant $40, Lecturer $10. Thank you for helping us to fund department events and to reimburse those who shop for these events.
The deadline for submissions to the Northridge Review is October 3, 2014.
The deadline to complete the Information Security Awareness training is September 30, 2014. This training is only accessible through the myNorthridge Portal staff page which ensures secure, authenticated access to CSUN employees. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the IT Help Center (818) 677-1400.
3. Opportunities
The College of Humanities announces a Call for Proposals for Academic Programming Support. All full- and part-time faculty in the college are invited to submit proposals. Funding from this source will be supplemental only; projects will not be funded in full from this source. Deadline: Wednesday, September 24, 2014.
The College of Humanities Faculty Fellowship and Grant Program provides support for scholarly research or creative activities. Full-time tenure track and tenured faculty may apply for funding. Deadline: Wednesday, October 8.
4. Achievements
Scott Andrews has two prose pieces in the next issue of Yellow Medicine Review (Fall 2014): “From The Rez Files (Greasy Grass Fantasy #5)” and “This is a story.” He also has been named to the editorial board for Transmotion, an online journal examining the works of Gerald Vizenor and works by others through the lens of Vizenor’s theories. His poem “The Wizards of Wall Street” is included in the recent collection titled 99 Poems for the 99 Percent, which was #1 on the poetry bestseller list for August compiled by Small Press Distribution.
Emeritus Professor Ian Barnard’s book Upsetting Composition Commonplaces was published this month by Utah State University Press.
Joseph Eldridge, one of our former students, was accepted into the graduate program in Information and Library Science at the University of Indiana, Bloomington.
Margaret Furguson, the President of the MLA, has selected Anthony Dawahare’s MLA session, “Tillie Olsen and the Location of Hope,” to be included in this year’s presidential theme, Negotiating Sites of Memory. Aside from Dawahare, Barbara Foley (Rutgers) and Rebekah Edwards (Mills College and granddaughter of Olsen) will present papers.
Khaled Mattawa, one of our former colleagues hired in 1994, is one of the recipients of the MacArthur Foundation’s “genius” grants. Mattawa was recognized for his volumes of poetry and translations of Arabic poetry.
Keli Rowley, one of our M.A. English graduates and Lecturers, is a semi-finalist in the PAGE International Screenwriting Awards and the Austin Film Festival for her USC thesis script.