Valley Nonprofit Resources

  • VNR Logo green background with San Fernando Valley Skyline

Reseda Recovery Roundtable

Thursday, April 15, 2021 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Online via Zoom

For more information, contact VNR Project Coordinator Ashley Wright at 818/677-2774 or

As we come slowly out of the worst of the pandemic, people, organizations and communities all need to deal with the trauma that the last year has created for many. Isolation, grief, financial loss, unwanted changes and uncertainty all are part of this trauma. Successful recovery includes helping people understand and cope with their emotional and physical reactions. This event will help nonprofit leaders in Reseda explore how a positive approach to handling trauma can be part of recovery. It will begin with some suggestions from Alejandra Sandoval, MPH, CHES of Strength United, an expert on coping with trauma - followed by brainstorming and discussion by all participants about how to handle trauma in their own nonprofits, and how they might work together on recovery challenges with other nonprofits in Burbank or Glendale. It is co-sponsored by Valley Nonprofit Resources, the Institute for Community Health & Wellbeing, and Strength United - all part of CSUN. The Reseda Community Network also is a co-sponsor, and the Roundtable is part of the VNR Recovery Initiative.