Community Engagement

Community Engagement Video Contest

Enter Our Community Engagement Video Contest!

Deadline: April 24, 2023


Videos will be celebrated and winners announced at the Annual Community-Based Research and Service Learning Symposium on April 28th in the Atrium inside Extended University Commons. Winners will be selected by a committee composed by CSUN faculty, students, and representatives from the Office of Community Engagement.
Create a video (up to 3 minutes) narrating your experience in a community-based (service-learning) course or project. We would love to see you in the video, but you can also incorporate images, music, graphics, people etc.

• Briefly describe your participation in the service-learning or community engagement project
• What was the most interesting/exciting part of the project?
• What were the challenges and how did you overcome them?
• What did you learn from/about the community? How did it help you better understand the community?
• What did you learn about yourself?
• Did this experience help you be better prepared for the job market and how?
• What would you recommend for students participating in this project in future?

If you are looking to include other people…
For example; your classmates, professors, community partners, staff, make sure they agree to be part of the video and sign an Audio/Visual Release form. If you are working with anybody under 18, please contact the Office of Community Engagement for a separate form that needs to be filled in this case.

• Upload your video to Youtube and make it visible to others (not “private”) For more information, see here.
• Remember to caption your video. For more information on how to do it yourself, see here.
• Fill out and submit the Audio/Visual Release form for yourself ( and anyone else in your video) and submit Audio/Visual Release forms for all the other participants in the video. Please, upload it as one PDF file. You can scan the files if you have more than one.
• For video contest submission link, click below.