Community Engagement

CSUN Act Now (CAN)

CSUN Act Now (CAN)

The CSUN Act Now (CAN) Campus Team sponsors a series of events throughout the year to engage the CSUN community in civic and democratic engagement. People often want to be more civically engaged, but aren’t sure where to start, and while voting in the election is very important, it is just one way to be engaged.

CSUN Act Now Campus Team is a collaboration of students, faculty, staff and community members working to craft interactive activities, performances, lectures, seminars, and exhibits to help Matadors make informed decisions and participate meaningfully in their communities. These events will help Matadors establish and maintain communities of support on issues important to them, provide information and direction on getting involved in contemporary issues, and help create connections between civic engagement, classroom learning, and everyday practice.

Together, we CAN help the CSUN community make meaningful change on critical issues this year and in the future. Join us!


California State Elections

The CSUN Act Now team has put together an informational page with instructions on how to register to vote as well as important dates and questions about the upcoming March 5, 2024 California State Primary Election and the November 7, 2024 General Election.

To find out more information, check out our Information Page or click the button below!

Voting PSAs

Learn more about the importance of voting, the history of voting, and how to vote in his upcoming election by watching these PSAs created by students in CSUN's CTVA 464 course. You can access the all the videos easily through our Voting PSA playlist.

Voting PSAs: Voting Turnouts

Description: PSA about the discrepancy between voting registration turnouts and actual voting turnouts. Go Vote!


Voting PSAs: The Importance of Your Vote
Description: PSA on the how your vote effects real change in your community, and how you can vote by mail this upcoming election. Go Vote! Learn more about voting by visiting:

Voting PSAs: The Latino Vote
Description: PSA on the history of Latino political engagement and activism, and the importance of the Latino vote. Go Vote!

Voting PSAs: Voter Fraud
Description: PSA on the issue of voter fraud, and addressing common misunderstandings about how and how often voter fraud occurs. Go Vote!

Voting PSAs: How to Vote by Mail
Description: PSA on how to vote by mail, and all the required to make sure that your vote counts. Go Vote! To learn more about how to vote by mail, visit:

Voting PSAs: The Importance of the President
Description: PSA on the importance of the office of the President, and why we must vote to uphold the proud legacy of our country. Go Vote!

Voting PSAs: Voter Suppression
Description: PSA on the history and issue of voter suppression, those who fought to make voting more accessible to all. Go Vote!

Voting PSAs: History of Women's Voting Rights
Description: PSA on the history of women's voting rights and the importance of the female vote. Go Vote!

Voting PSAs: History of Voting Rights
Description: PSA on the history of voting rights and those who fought for the right to vote. Go Vote!