TUC Sponsored Programs

General Salary Increase (GSI) and Minimum Wage Increase

July 5, 2019

Dear Principal Investigators:

We would like to inform you of the two items that may affect your project funds.

General Salary Increase

For the FY 2019/20, TUC’s Board of Directors has approved a 3% General Salary Increase (GSI) [formerly known as Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)] for TUC employees. The increase is effective as of July 1, 2019. GSI is a percentage increase of the compensation intended to maintain relative competitiveness with market rate salaries.

TUC leaves the decision to grant a GSI at the discretion of the individual Principal Investigator so that you can ensure sufficient funding in your project(s) for the increase(s).

  • The GSI applies only to regular staff appointments.  Emergency Hires and Student Assistants are not eligible.    
  • The staff member must have at least 6 months of service and
  • Have not received an increase in the past 6 months.

Should you decide to grant a GSI to your employees, please complete the attached form and submit it to TUC (Sierra Center 3rd floor) on or before July 25, 2019.  The GSI will then be processed with the next pay period. 2019 GSI Form

Minimum Wage Increase

Effective July 1, 2019, the Los Angeles County minimum wage has increased to $14.25 per hour. If you have any employees that are paid under $14.25 per hour, the employee will automatically be increased to $14.25 per hour in this next payroll period.

Please feel free to contact me, or one of the TUC Human Resources Team.

Thank you,
