Process Repository

Title IX "Not Anymore" Registration Hold

Your Right to Know

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, together with other federal and state laws, protects all people from sexual harassment, violence and discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation.

All CSUN students—and college students throughout the United States—are required to take an online sexual misconduct, violence awareness and prevention course to promote a culture of respect.

How to Take Title IX Training

Complete the "Title IX" online, interactive video course to clear the "T9" registration hold as follows:

  • New students take an initial longer course titled “Not Anymore” once only.
  • Continuing students take a short refresher course titled “Every Choice” once a year.

All students will have a "Title IX (T9)" registration hold. You must complete the online video course before you can enroll in classes.

Helpful: Access Title IX Training How-To Guide  

To take the training:

  1. Log into the CSUN Portal with your CSUN user ID and password.
  2. Look for the "Title 9" registration hold in your portal Checklist under “Incomplete Tasks.”
  3. Select the "Not Anymore" link in the Student Records paragraph to complete the training, clear the "T9" hold, and enroll in classes.

We understand that the content of the training may cause particular distress for some individuals. If due to such personal circumstances you would like to discuss alternative options for meeting the training requirement, please contact CSUN’s Campus Care Advocate, a confidential resource, at (818) 677-7492.

Title IX Resources