
Laura Desfor Edles - Recent Publications


Edles, Laura Desfor and Scott Appelrouth. 2014.  Sociological Theory in the Classical Era, 3rd ed. Sage/Pine Forge Press (1st ed. 2004; 2nd ed. 2010).

Edles, Laura Desfor.  2013.  “Contemporary Progressive Christianity and its Symbolic Ramifications.” Cultural Sociology 7(1):1-22. 

Back, Les and Andy Bennett, Laura Desfor Edles, Margaret Gibson, David Inglis, Ron Jacobs, and Ian Woodward.  2012. Cultural Sociology: An Introduction.  Wiley-Blackwell.

Appelrouth, Scott and Laura Desfor Edles.  2012.  Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory, 2nd ed. Sage/Pine Forge Press (1st ed. 2008).

Scott Appelrouth and Laura Desfor Edles. 2011.  Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era, Sage/Pine Forge (1st ed. 2007).

Alexander, Jeffrey, Ken Thompson, and Laura Desfor Edles. 2008.  A Contemporary Introduction to Sociology: A Cultural Approach, 2nd ed.. Paradigm Publishers.

Edles, Laura Desfor. 2004.   “Rethinking ‘Race’, ‘Ethnicity’ and ‘Culture’ in Hawaii”, Ethnic and Racial Studies 7(1): 37-68.

Edles, Laura Desfor, 2002.  Cultural Sociology in Practice.  Blackwell.

Edles, Laura Desfor.  2002. “‘Race’, ‘Ethnicity’, and ‘Culture’ in Hawaii”.  In New Faces in a Changing America: Multiracial Identity in the 21st Century, edited by Herman DeBose and Loretta Winters.

Edles, Laura Desfor.  1999“A Culturalist Approach to Ethnic Nationalist Movements: Symbolization and Basque and Catalan Nationalism in Spain”, Social Science History 23 (3): 311-355.

Edles, Laura Desfor.  1998Symbol and Ritual in the New Spain.  Cambridge University Press.

Edles, Laura Desfor.  1995. “Rethinking Democratic Transition: A Culturalist Critique and the Spanish Case".  Theory and  Society 24: 355-384.

Edles, Laura Desfor.  1993.  “The Sacred and the Spanish Transition to Democracy", Social Compass 40: 399- 414.