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Top 5 Diversity & Equity Innovation Grant Social Media Posts

April 21, 2022

The Diversity & Equity Innovation Grant student ambassadors have been hard at work creating content to help close the digital equity gap for students, and we want to share with you their top five posts. All of this content was created and posted entirely by students.

Number 5 - Digital Literacy Pop-Up Event

The student ambassadors filmed and posted a short video promoting the Digital Literacy Pop-Up happening outside the Matador Bookstore complex.

Date Posted: March 11, 2022
Plays: 554

Number 4 - Log into Canvas on an iPad

This video provided a step-by-step tutorial on how students can log into Canvas on an iPad.

Date Posted: March 28, 2022
Plays: 826

Number 3 - Digital Literacy Pop-Up Promo

This video was posted to promote the Digital Equity Pop-Up event happening on March 11th.

Date Posted: March 8, 2022
Plays: 878

Number 2 - Connect to Eduroam

The ambassadors created this video showing students how to connect their computer and devices to CSUN's Eduroam wi-fi network.

Date Posted: March 28, 2022
Plays: 2,362

Number 1 - CSUCCESS

Promoting the CSUCCESS program was a high priority for our Student Ambassadors, and they filmed this video not only promoting CSUCCESS, but also showing students where to find the Matador Bookstore and how to pick up their iPad.

Date Posted: February 18, 2022
Plays: 10,159

Follow infotech_csun on Instagram for more student-created content!