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Student Technology Resource Module

August 22, 2024

Feature module csun student technology resources undergraduate and graduate

Did you know that many CSUN students are not aware that they have access to free Microsoft Word? Or that 50% are not aware of myCSUNbox cloud storage? The 2022 IT Student Survey found that students are not aware of the many technology resources available to them, many of which are available at little to no cost. Faculty are a key component in sharing information with students and building awareness. But where do faculty go to find the information needed?  Read more about the new student technology resource module

Exciting Transition for myCSUNsoftware on August 21st, 2024!

August 22, 2024

isometric view of an interlocked system of computers and devices

Last year, we announced a pilot of Apporto to power our myCSUNsoftware virtual software platform. myCSUNsoftware is a Campus Quality Fee funded project that allows all students to have anytime access to a list of applications, from any Mac, Windows PC, Linux or mobile device with an internet connection. Without the need to purchase and install any of the applications on to their own devices, or travel to a lab that has the needed application already installed, students can utilize their course-related applications anytime, anywhere they have internet access.

We are thrilled to announce that, effective August 21st, 2024, we transitioned from Citrix to Apporto to power our virtual software platform, myCSUNsoftware. This change comes after careful consideration, extensive testing, and valuable feedback from both faculty and students. Read More About the Exciting Transition for myCSUNsoftware on August 21st, 2024!


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