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New Student Technology Resource Module

August 21, 2023

Feature module csun student technology resources undergraduate and graduate

Did you know that many CSUN students are not aware that they have access to free Microsoft Word? Or that 50% are not aware of myCSUNbox cloud storage? The 2022 IT Student Survey found that students are not aware of the many technology resources available to them, many of which are available at little to no cost. Faculty are a key component in sharing information with students and building awareness. But where do faculty go to find the information needed?  Read more about the new student technology resource module

New Procurement Accessibility Canvas Course

March 29, 2023

a computer on a shopping site with a receipt

If you are a frequent “CSUN shopper” you may have been told to complete an ICT Form prior to your purchase being approved. Information Communication Technology (ICT) purchases at CSUN must undergo the Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) Procurement Procedure. Knowing when, what and how to submit required documentations to Universal Design Center (UDC) and the Purchasing & Contract Administration will help both departments expedite your request. Read More About New Procurement Accessibility Canvas Course

Turnitin AI Detection

March 29, 2023

AI Turnitin

Generative text products like ChatGPT have been making headlines for a few months now. As awareness of these tools grows so does the likelihood that students will use them for their assignments.As a response to this, one of the most frequent questions we have received in the past couple of months is “what can we do to find out if our students have used AI”?

We are happy to let you know that our partners at TurnItIn have announced that they will be releasing their new AI writing detecting tool inTurnItIn beginningTuesday, April 4, 2023.If you are already using TurnItIn, you will not need to change anything. The AI detection will automatically appear as a new section on Turnitin's Similarity Reports. 

Read More About Turnitin AI Detection


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