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7 Social Media Mistakes Job Seekers Must Avoid

August 10, 2015

Illustration of a bird representing social media.

Photo Courtesy of CIO

"Social media can be a fun part of your day. You get to interact with friends, family and strangers -- and maybe if you're lucky, get a retweet from your favorite celebrity. But as much as you may like to put yourself out there, it can be easy to forget that your public social media accounts are just that: public.

When it comes time to job search, you may find that your social media profiles keep the interviews at bay. Just as social media has changed the way you interact with friends, it's also changed how recruiters find and qualify potential candidates.

But the answer isn't to go offline and deactivate your profiles, because as Jayme Pretzloff, director of marketing for Wixon Jewelers points out, "Not being on social media sites can absolutely hurt your chances of being recognized and, ultimately, hired."

The bottom-line is you need to cultivate a professional and personable online presence. You can find that balance by avoiding these seven social media mistakes."

Read more at CIO