Faculty Development

Spring Faculty Workshop Series: The Art of Saying ‘No’ and Setting Boundaries

Tuesday, April 13, 2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

via Zoom (https://csun.zoom.us/j/85682588831?pwd=VmVaVTJEM3dOSUFjTG9YS2FWajIyQT09)

Faculty Development is happy to announce our Spring Faculty Workshop Series, which includes three workshops jam packed with information, resources, and strategies to help faculty in years 1-6 succeed in their journey here at CSUN. Our workshops are designed to complement the Core Curriculum Skills found on the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity website, which you have access to as CSUN faculty! (Don’t know what that is? Check out this helpful information from Faculty Affairs to get started!) 

Please join us to connect with your fellow colleagues and learn how to create new habits for a successful and fulfilling career at CSUN. Information for each workshop is below, as well as the link to rsvp. You are not required at attend all three workshops, although we would love to have you there!!  Have questions? Contact ashley.samson@csun.edu for more information. Looking forward to seeing you there! 

Zoom link: https://csun.zoom.us/j/85682588831?pwd=VmVaVTJEM3dOSUFjTG9YS2FWajIyQT09

Want to join us? Click here to rsvp!!!