
General Experimental Psychology Links

Picture of GE logo and trees in front of the Oviatt Library

Picture of GE logo and trees in front of the Oviatt Library

Sally Casanova/California Predoctoral Scholarship

Junior, senior, and graduate students in the CSU, especially those from environments where university teaching is not a common career goal, have unique opportunities to explore and prepare to succeed in doctoral programs. Working one-on-one with faculty members from both CSU and doctoral-granting institutions, students receive funding for activities such as: participation in a summer research internship program at a doctoral-granting institution to receive exposure to the world of research in their chosen field visits to doctoral-granting institutions to explore opportunities for doctoral study travel to a national symposium or professional meeting in their chosen field; other related activities such as membership in professional organizations and journal subscriptions graduate school application and test fees.

Chancellors Doctoral Incent Program /Forgivable Loan Program

Loans available in amounts of up to $10,000 per year up to a total of $30,000.

Loans obtained through this program are repayable over a 15-year period, commencing one year after completion of or withdrawal from full time doctoral study. If a participant applies, competes for, and is hired in a CSU instructional faculty position after completion of the doctoral degree, 20 percent of the loan will be forgiven for each year of full-time postdoctoral teaching employment in the CSU.  Part-time teaching in the CSU may also be considered for partial loan forgiveness, if the participant teaches at least half-time and has successfully completed the doctorate degree.

Minority Biomedical Research Support (MBRS)