Chair: Kent Baxter Compiled by: RosaMaria Chacon


a Saturday Thurs NOtes

maybe not better but late…yes 6th week about to start……too warm for february but good for a nice walk on a tree lined avenue


Presentation on native plants Tuesday March 1st 12-1 in Education Rooms 1214 and 1216
hosted by College of Education. Native plants are, of course, more suitable to our climate

Dr. Henry Oster will visit Dr. Linda Overman’s class Thursday March 3 7:30 JR 319 to discuss his holocaust survival story. Featured in the LA Times and author of The Kindness of the Hangman, he writes “Even in Hell, there is hope.”

Soledad O’Brien, television journalist, will give a lecture on “Race and Opportunity in America” at the VPAC  March 8th  Free tickets to students, faculty and staff at AS Ticket Office starting Feb 22nd

Modern Russia Day-cultural showcase Tuesday March 8th 4:00-6:00 Oviatt Library Jack and Florence Ferman Presentation Room Russian Tea Party: Pirozhki and Blini  RSVP by March 1st to

In commemoration of International Women’s Day–A Documentary: Justice for my Sister addresses struggle in Guatemala Wednesday March 9th 4:30 pm Sierra Hall 203

Voice…Disruption–An interesting panel at the AWP conference on Kate Haake’s book What Our Speech Disrupts March 31st Local and thus easier to do–LA Convention Center R118.  Kate was invited to speak and amiably agreed. Contact Kate for time and any questions.

CSUN submitted its Climate Action Plan to achieve net zero emissions by 2040–a worthy, breathable goal.


Help Anne Kellenberger staff those SI sections–crucial to the writing development of our students. Refer upper division or grad students who are strong, responsible, articulate, solid writers. They work 9 hours a week for $12. hour.

Tuesday March 1 5pm deadline for Faculty Fellowship and Probationary Faculty…still time if you hustle

In addition to the Late Change in Academic Schedule for Undergraduate Students Form, students need lots of documentation and Extraordinary Circumstances to drop classes (moving out of state, leaving for active military duty, doctor documents their health in danger). Easier drops no longer possible.


Grad School Workshop re application process Thursday March 3  4:30-6:00 p.m. Chicano Studies Conference Room JR 153    All undergrad and graduate students welcome/free pizza

University 100–Academic First Year Experience is taking applications                   

2016-2017 Research Scholarship, and Creative Activity Awards proposal are Due March 28th by 5pm Submission will be via InfoReady website.


Jutta Schamp’s article “Creolizing C.G. Jung: Re-imagined Alchemy and Individuation in Anton Nimblett’s Sections of an Orange and Lelawattee Manoo-Rahming’s Curry Flavor” will be published in the Journal of Postcolonial Writing in the June or December issue. Exciting Jutta!

Andrea Hernandez won a 2016/17 eLearning Grant, which includes a one week institute participation and funding.

Kudos to Both

until another thursday ~