
This is the last edition of Thursday's Notes for the 20-21 Academic Year. Good luck with the grading, and I hope everyone gets some down- and recovery time this summer!…

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Thursday’s Notes, 53.9

Announcements We are finally at that miraculous moment in the semester when we can (hopefully) pause and celebrate amidst grading, writing, and other deadlines. Please applaud yourselves for all that…

Continue Reading Thursday’s Notes, 53.9

Volume 49.5

Chair: Kent Baxter Notes compiled by: Kate Haake __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Announcements It is with a sad heart that I write the department has lost two good friends. Longtime CSUN administrator and…

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Volume 40:6

  1. Announcements We begin with wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving, with hopes for warm family gatherings and good and plentiful food for all, not to mention at least…

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Volume 38:16

1.  Announcements It is with bittersweet pleasure that I submit to you this year's final edition of Thursday's Notes, which has weathered, like all of us, some transitions and challenges…

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Volume 38:15

1.  Announcements In sad news, we have lost another member of our CSUN English faculty extended family with the passing of Lila Fink on April 20.  Born on April 30,…

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