Center for Teaching and Learning

Center for Teaching & Learning

CTL - Opening doors and enlightening minds since 2002

The CSUN Center for Teaching and Learning is the research, collaboration, and professional development arm of the College of Education. Faculty from all of the various departments in the College of Education are conducting cutting edge research and professional development, in collaboration with K-12 teachers, administrators, and community members, to address the needs of schools. The CTL is proud to host the “Education on the Edge” speaker series annually, as well as offer free educational film screenings. We have a Speakers Bureau and provide professional development to the community, while also hosting the biennial What Really Works conference. Feel free to contact us with any questions about our upcoming activities or how we might work with you and your groups!

Upcoming T-CARE Newsletter: "If I had known then..."

December 7, 2021


This month, the Center for Teaching and Learning will be publishing a new issue of their T-CARE newsletter with a focus on the theme: "If I had known then...." - What would you have told yourself or others back in March 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic? Read more

Education on the Edge: Barry M. Prizant

September 7, 2021


What is neurodiversity and how can a deeper understanding of it help educators, families, and students themselves? Dr. Prizant, a world-renowned expert and author on the subject, defines, describes, and explains neurodiversity, the importance of understanding an individual’s strengths and challenges, and the impact of uneven developmental profiles. Read more


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