Center for Teaching and Learning

Veteran Ally Training

Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 12:30pm to 2:30pm

ED 1216
Free - Registration will open in early Fall 2017.

SAVE THE DATE! On September 12th, the CSUN Veteran Resource Center and CTL will present a FREE workshop: Veteran Ally Training! Come learn how to teach students who are veterans, learn how military culture may impact the classroom, and identify the unique challenges veteran students face. Registration will open in early Fall 2017, so save the date NOW!

Join us for a FREE workshop! Come learn how to teach students who are veterans, leanr how military culture may impact the classroom and identigy the unique challenges veteran students face. Thos who complete the training will receive an official Joining Forces sticker and an electronic logo to be included in their email signature and class syllabi.

Tuesday, September 12th


ED 1216

Lunch will be provided. Registration will open in early Fall 2017, so save the date NOW and stay tuned to the CTL website for more info. Presented by the CSUN Veteran Resource Center. Hosted by the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Check out the full flyer here (.pdf)