Black Scholars Matter

Intent to Apply

Ready to Apply!

Black Scholars Matter Application

We are using Qualtrics to proxy our Intent to Apply. If you have not completed your Intent to Apply for the Fall 2024 Cohort, click below to get started. The deadline to submit your Intent to Apply is January 31, 2024 by 11:59pm PST.

If you submitted an Intent to Apply to Black Scholars Matter (BSM), you will receive an email within 10 days containing an individual link to your application from the BSM team. This link is unique to you. Please make sure you save your application as you work on completing it. Applications do not have to be completed in one sitting.

If you submitted an Intent to Apply and have not received your unique application link, please wait up to 10 days before emailing any concerns.

When you receive the email that contains your unique link, please make sure you bookmark that email.

If you did not receive a link, have lost your link, or your link does not work, please email Dr. Theresa White and the BSM Team by clicking here. In this email, include your full name and we will send you your link.

If you completed your Intent to Apply & would like a PDF copy of the Black Scholars Matter (BSM) formal application, please email us.