Science Teaching Series

Internet Resources

I. Developing Scientific Literacy

II. Developing Scientific Reasoning

III. Developing Scientific Understanding

IV. Developing Scientific Problem Solving

V. Developing Scientific Research Skills

VI. Resources for Teaching Science

Health Science Standards

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Standard 4

The student will understand and demonstrate how to play a positive, active role in promoting the health of his or her family.

Middle School | High School | Heath Standards Home

Middle School

Students in middle school who meet this standard will be able to:Students in middle school who meet this standard will be able to:

  • Understand the changing roles of family responsibilities.
  • Recognize the skills needed for good communication between adolescents and parents.
  • Understand his or her role in supporting positive health practices of younger family members.
  • Identify effective strategies to cope with change in the family.
  • Understand the responsibilities of parenting, including legal, financial, social, and moral.
  • Identify the difficulties and challenges of being a teenage parent.
  • Recognize the diversity of family structures.

The following tasks and assignments might be used to determine whether the student is meeting the standard:

  • Students will create hypothetical family (group activity) situations with rules and a budget (income and expenses).
  • Students will participate in presentations by teen parents by asking questions and writing a reflection paper.
  • Students will record and analyze time spent with younger children as a positive role model or in a caretaking role.
  • Students will role-play a scenario in which conflicts between parent/ caregiver and adolescents are depicted, including resolution strategies.

High School

Students in high school who meet this standard will be able to:

  • Describe the importance of family communication.
  • Analyze the effects of substance abuse, including tobacco use, and its impact on the family.
  • Investigate and analyze responsibilities of healthful parenting.

The following tasks and assignments might be used to determine whether the student is meeting the standard:

  • Students will study roles that individuals assume in a family involved with substance abuse and conduct research to determine where help is available in the community.
  • Students will analyze a television program and write a short essay describing the family dynamics in the program.
  • Students will recognize the consequences of high-risk behavior on the individual and family.