Resume Workshop

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Online via zoom:

Creating a Powerful Résumé 
Applying for a job? Competing for an internship? Working on an admissions packet for grad school and need to spruce up your work history? Come to the LRC and learn how to put your best foot forward, on the page, in our résumé /cv workshop! This workshop provides detailed explanations, as well step-by-step processes, for creating an effective and attention grabbing résumé /cv.

If you are already working on something, feel free to bring it! (This is not necessary, however)

Date and Time:  Tuesday April 28th at 3:30pm
Presenter: Loretta

Location:  Location: Zoom, click here for the virtual room (5-10 minutes before the workshop)

Click here to enroll in the Resume workshop