Discover the Learning Resource Center!
General Policies at the Learning Resource Center:
- Treat the LRC and its employees with respect.
- Respect other students within the LRC.
- We cannot provide ASL interpreters for each session, but our tutors are ready to work with them as needed.
Program-Specific Policies:
University Writing Center & Online Writing Lab:
- The appointment schedule is available up to 2 weeks at a time.
- Students have the choice to schedule two 45-minute sessions each week per center. The in-person writing center and online writing lab are separate centers. Each new week begins on Sunday. Students may not schedule two sessions back-to-back with the same consultant.
- Need accommodations? Email to communicate with the Writing Programs Coordinator.
- Drop-in sessions may be available on a first come, first serve basis. These sessions are not guaranteed. Students may attempt 2 drop-ins per day.
- If you are more than 10 minutes late to your appointment, your session may be given to a drop-in and you will be considered a “No Show”
- Consultants will discuss any writing, reading, or presentation-based assignments with students.
- Only one assignment can be discussed/reviewed during the appointment.
- Consultants are not able to help on take-home exams without written consent from the professor. This should be sent to
- Group Appointments: Any student not present to represent their work in the tutoring session will not receive feedback on their portion of the assignment.
Reading/Writing Workshops:
- Arrive a few minutes early to check in and sign in.
- Be sure to have the correct link for Zoom workshops.
- Be receptive to trying out alternative ideas and/or approaches.
- Be prepared to learn!
- If you are more than 10 minutes late, you cannot enter an already started workshop.
- Click here to see the schedule for workshops.
- Tutoring sessions may have up to 3 students at a time.
- Tutors will not help with lab work or take-home exams.
- One hour per subject per day. Please check the schedule for tutor availability.
- The appointment schedule is available up to 2 weeks ahead of time.
- Drop-in sessions may be available on a first come, first serve basis. These sessions are not guaranteed.
Looking for more resources on campus? Check these out!
- Astronomy & Physics Tutoring | Location: LO1128 | EXT: 2775
- Biology Tutoring | Location: CR 5329
- Business Honors Tutoring | Location: BB 2119 | EXT: 3100
- Math Tutoring Center | Location(s): LO1319 / BH400
- Psychology Tutoring | Location: SH121 | EXT: 2827
- History Writing Center | Location: ST612 | EXT: 3566
- Africana Studies Writing Lab | Location: SH273 | EXT: 2084
- Chicano Studies Writing Center | Location JR142 | EXT: 7881
- Engineering & Computer Science Tutoring | Location JD1662B