Faculty Development

Impact Worksheet

November 6, 2014

If you’ve attended some of our sessions this semester, you may have noticed our new “Impact Worksheet” (sample below).  We have designed this tool to aid in documenting what you’ve learned and how you’ve changed from the sessions you’ve attended.  This is for your records.  Note that the front side should be filled in immediately after the workshop, to document what you learned and what you plan to do differently as a result of the session.  The backside is for later when you are able to document what you actually did do as a result of the session. We hope you find this to be a powerful way to document the impact of the Faculty Development sessions you attend!  Here are a couple of ideas of how you can use of this worksheet:

  1. The Impact Worksheet can be a quick, organized reminder to yourself about the session you attended and how you might implement what you learned.
  2. Especially for untenured faculty, the Impact Worksheet can be used as documentation of what you gained from a Faculty Development session.  Once completed, you may decide to include it in your PIF. Consider including something in your narrative and/or cover letter about the session, and to include impact worksheets for only those sessions that you found particularly impactful.

We hope that you find these useful!  Please let us know if you have other ideas for using the Impact Worksheets!