Faculty Development

Transparent Assignment Design: A FacDev- Learning Resource Center (LRC) Collaboration (Part 1 of 4)

Wednesday, April 3, 2019 - 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Learning Resource Center, Oviatt Library-3rd Floor, East Wing

Do you find it challenging to manage course content while also addressing unanticipated student writing shortfalls? Do you tell your students, “go get help at the LRC Writing Center?” While the Writing Center helps students with writing at all stages, many faculty don’t realize some easy ways they can facilitate connecting students with this campus support. Please join the LRC and Faculty Development for a four-part series as we work towards creating more transparent writing prompts and more effective collaborations between instructors and the Writing Center to help address student writing improvement across the disciplines and at all levels.

What are the easy steps involved?
1) Complete a short application 
2) Attend all 4 series workshops on Wednesdays 2:30-4:30pm (April 3, 10, 17, 24 in the Learning Resource Center, Oviatt Library 3rd Floor, East Wing) (receive $100 stipend)
3) Work with a writing instructor in the LRC to modify your assignment guidelines using our easy template
4) Enjoy lunch, share your revised assignment guidelines and complete a follow-up FacDev final assessment (an additional $100 stipend for steps 2-4)

Who is eligible to apply?
This is highly appropriate for faculty who give writing assignments and are interested in learning how the LRC could be optimized. Priority will be given to those who have not yet learned about transparent assignments and faculty not already implementing a specific teaching intervention this semester.