
Undergraduate and Graduate Psychology Awards 2022

May 9, 2022

Congratulations to all the undergraduate and graduate psychology award winners!

Undergraduate Awards 

Judge Julian Beck Award 

This award is given to a student with an exceptional scholastic record as demonstrated with a G.P.A. of 3.5 or higher and service to the Psychology Department such as through the honors society Psi Chi or participating as a Peer Educator through one of the university’s psycho-educational programs.  This is an undergraduate student who shows extremely high potential as a graduate student through these accomplishments. Named in honor of Judge Julian Beck, who was an early advocate for a State University in the San Fernando Valley and a long-time supporter of San Fernando Valley State/CSUN.

A Photo of Dianna Alvarado



Dianna Alvarado




Delmar Nicks Award

This award is given to a student who has shown exceptional scholarship and some service to the Department of Psychology.  Scholarship includes involvement of research and presentation of the work through professional conferences or publication.  Service includes activities such as involvement working with Psi Chi honors society or participating as a Peer Educator through one of the university’s psycho-educational programs.  Named in honor of Dr. Delmar Nicks, who was one of the CSUN founding faculty in 1958.

A Photo of Ivan Alatorre




Ivan Alatorre




Robert Dear Quantitative Research Award

This award is given to a student who has completed outstanding scholarship utilizing quantitative methods of data analysis through research or has demonstrated mastery of quantitative techniques in undergraduate coursework, as evidenced by dissemination of relevant research or scholastic performance in the relevant course. Named in honor of Dr. Robert Dear who taught rigorous psychology undergraduate statistical courses in the Psychology Department.

A photo of Kelly Custard




Kelly Custard




Richard Coleman Award

This award is given to a student who has demonstrated high scholarship and an exceptional record of service to the Department of Psychology, University, and/or community. The award is named in honor of Dr. Richard Coleman, who was a disabled war veteran and developed a tutoring program for undergraduate students taking statistics and research methods. He was on campus full-time and when he was not teaching, he spent many hours tutoring students who needed assistance with statistics.


A photo of Amanda Thwaits



Amanda Thwaits





Undergraduate Service Award

This award is given to the undergraduate student who has made the most notable contribution to the well-being of the local community through volunteer, psychology-related service, or research.


A Photo of Brianna Cortez



Brianna Cortez




Undergraduate Qualitative Research Award

This award is given to a student who has completed outstanding scholarship utilizing qualitative methods of data analysis through research or has demonstrated mastery of quantitative techniques in undergraduate coursework, as evidenced by dissemination of relevant research or scholastic performance in the relevant course.

A photo of Angelina Geisen



Angelina Geisen






Graduate Awards

William Wilsoncroft Award

 Named in honor of Professor William Wilsoncroft, who taught in the Psychology Department for over 30 years, this award is designed to be the most prestigious graduate award reserved for a student in the area of General Experimental Psychology who has demonstrated exceptional academic achievements. This student shows high potential in continuing his/her education in a doctoral program.

A Photo of Nathan Lieng




 Nathan Lieng





Robert Rainey Award


This award is given to the most outstanding student in Clinical Psychology. Named in honor of Dr. Robert Rainey, who helped develop the Clinical Psychology Program.  This award recognizes a student who represents the highest levels of academic, research, and clinical skills.

A photo of Daniel Saravia



Daniel Saravia    





Clinical Scientist Award

This award is given to the student in the clinical psychology graduate program who best represents the combination of clinical and applied research.  Students who have demonstrated outstanding research and statistical skills in clinically-relevant research projects of theses are awarded this honor. 



A photo of Nancy Mendoza  Nancy Mendoza            




A photo of Kayla Gorenstein



Kayla Gorenstein  






Scholar/Practitioner Award in Clinical Psychology

This award is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding clinical skills that are informed by scholarly work. This award acknowledges graduate students with a particular interest in application of clinical psychology and therapeutic techniques. It is given to a student who has demonstrated excellent scholastic achievement and has also shown outstanding competence in assessment, engagement, and application of theoretical strategies in serving clients’ needs in an ethical, culturally-sensitive manner. 

a photo of kristen rimular   Kristen Rimular                      







Graduate Service Award

This award is given to the graduate student (in any area) who has made the most notable contribution to the well-being of the local community through volunteer, psychology-related service, or research. 

A photo of alyona rogojina



   Alyona Rogojina  




Roger Moss Teaching Award

This award is named in honor of Professor Roger Moss, who started the Teacher Intern Program in 1968. Professor Moss was on the faculty at CSUN for over 40 years and inspired many students through his teaching and compassion. This award is conferred to a student who has demonstrated outstanding teaching skills in department intern programs (e.g., TIP, TRP, STP).

a photo of jonastasya griffith     


  Jonastasya Griffith  







A photo of Jean Pauline Serrano




Jean Pauline Serrano    






Scientist-Practitioner Award in Behavioral Psychology

This award is granted to the most outstanding graduate student in the area of Behavioral Clinical Psychology. The student has demonstrated outstanding clinical skills in conducting assessments and providing treatments that are conceptually systematic with Applied Behavior Analysis, guided by the profession’s code of ethics, and informed by empirical evidence.



a photo fo jessica reid


Jessica Reid    






Graduate Behavior Analysis Research Award

This award is granted to a graduate student who has conducted outstanding scholarship in Behavior Analysis.  This student has utilized experimental research methodology (single-subject or group design) to answer a socially significant research question.

a photo of adisa ptah



Adisa Ptah   







Donald Butler Quantitative Research Award 

This award is given to a student who has completed outstanding scholarship utilizing advanced scientific methods and innovative research design or who has clearly demonstrated an advanced understanding of psychological research methods in graduate-level coursework. Named in honor of Professor Donald Butler, who taught graduate-level research methods and statistics courses for over 40 years at CSUN, this award is intended to recognize a graduate student who demonstrates an advanced understanding of quantitative research methods. 



a photo of Cynthia Delgado



  Cynthia Delgado




a photo of stephanie torres



  Stephanie Torres  




Tabachnick and Fidell Multivariate Statistics Award

This award is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the area of Multivariate Statistics. Named in honor of Drs. Barbara Tabachnick and Linda Fidell, who taught statistics classes in the CSUN Psychology Department and wrote the highly acclaimed book “Using Multivariate Statistics” that is used in our graduate statistics classes.


a photo of danita hohl  Danita Hohl