
Why Your Vote Matters with U.S. Senator Cory Booker

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 1:30pm to 2:45pm


Join U. S. Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Cory Booker for a conversation about the importance of voting and engagement in the lead up to the November elections and beyond. Senator Booker will be joined by Secretary of State Alex Padilla and CSULB alum Melissa Romero from the California League of Conservation Voters to discuss measures on the California ballot this November that can have an impact on the environment and our communities.

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About Senator Booker:

Cory Booker has spent his entire career running at the toughest challenges and bringing people together to accomplish things others said were impossible. And for the last 7 years as New Jersey’s Senator, he’s done the impossible in a broken Washington: he’s brought people together to deliver real results for New Jerseyans.

In 1996, Cory moved to Newark, New Jersey, to provide legal services for low-income families, and to help tenants take on slumlords, improve their living conditions, and stay in their homes. At age twenty-nine, Cory was elected to the Newark City Council, and beginning in 2006, he served as Newark’s mayor for more than seven years.

In 2013, Cory became the first African-American elected to the US Senate from New Jersey. In the Senate, Cory has  advanced economic opportunity and equal justice -- including leading efforts to reform our broken criminal justice system, increase wages and ensure hard work is fairly rewarded, spur economic development and create jobs, and protect the rights of all Americans to breathe clean air and drink clean water.

From taking on the NRA to stop the scourge of gun violence in our communities, to fighting for economic changes that lift up those who have been struggling and deliver opportunity for all, to protecting and expanding health coverage and fighting to drive down healthcare costs, Cory is fighting every day to make justice and opportunity real for everyone.