
MEA Lifetime Contribution Award 2018

April 23, 2018


Dr. Curt Dommeyer, Professor of Marketing, received the Marketing Educators Association (MEA) Lifetime Contribution Award at the MEA Conference Awards on Thursday, April 19. 

The Lifetime Contribution Award is bestowed on members of MEA who have made long-term contributions to the organization beyond the ordinary. The award is presented as the occasion arises to honor those who have had a significant and long-term influence on the organization. MEA is “the premier international organization devoted to advancing the practice and scholarship of marketing education. The organization’s mission is to provide worldwide leadership in promoting the development and sharing of scholarship that enhances marketing education and advances marketing knowledge and practice.”

Dr. Dommeyer has made numerous contributions to marketing education. One of the most notable is how Curt has involved Marketing students in empirical research. His mentoring of students has resulted in co-authored papers with 45 individual students – 41 undergraduate students and 4 graduate students – resulting in 12 refereed journal articles and 6 full papers published in conference proceedings, plus 11 conference presentations not published in proceedings. Also notable is that he has mentored faculty in need of help with research and publishing.


Congratulations, Dr. Dommeyer!


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