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Applying for Graduation

All students are required to complete a graduation evaluation before they graduate. This page contains important information that you should know regarding the graduation evaluation. Additional information can be found on the home page of the Graduation Evaluation Office.

What is a grad check ?

Before graduating, each student must request a Graduation Evaluation, also known a "grad check". When this evaluation is complete, the student receives a list of all their remaining degree requirements.

When do I file for a grad check ?

In order to guarantee that you receive your grad check before the beginning of your last semester, it is very important to apply for a grad check at least one year in advance of the semester in which you wish to graduate. Fall graduates should apply by Dec. 1st in the year preceeding their graduation. Spring and summer graduates should apply by May 1st of the year preceeding their graduation. These are the dates that the application must be submitted to Admissions and Records. Students should begin the process at least one month before the deadline to give the college time to process their major evaluation.

Is there anything I need to do before I file for graduation ?

In order to begin the process of getting a grad check, students must have already:

  1. Completed their transfer evaluation of major courses with the college, and
  2. Filed a senior program (engineering) or concentrated studies package (computer science) with their advisor and department chair's signature.

How do I apply for graduation ?

Engineering and computer science students begin the process by requesting a departmental evaluation from Mr. Yervant Aghishian in the Advisement Center, EN 2101. This will take several days to complete. After receiving your departmental evaluation, go to Admissions and Records, complete an application to graduate and pay your fees.

What if I do not apply for my grad check by the deadline ?

If you do not apply for your grad check by the deadline, you will not receive your graduation evaluation before the beginning of your last semester.

I am still a couple of years from graduation but I would like to see an official report of what courses I still need. Is there anything I can request?

Yes. You can always visit your portal, request a DARS report (DPR or MAP).