- Implement new recruitment, retention and graduation plans for Black students. Collaborate to actively engage in reducing equity gaps that persist at higher rates for Black students by meeting with representatives to review and assess interventions regularly and at least twice per semester.
- Provide funding and an action plan to recruit, retain, and promote Black faculty, staff and administrators.
- Funding, resources, and action plan to create an Institute/Center for Research and Resources on Equity and Black Culture. The Institute/Center will be specifically designed to address resources for Black students and to up-level publication and dissemination of research on Black culture and the Black experience.
- Engage Career Services in expanding their focus on career readiness for students who identify or are interested in issues facing Blacks in employment.
- Develop an oral history project and visual/digital arts installation(s) showcasing the histories and contributions of local Black Communities.
- HR partnership with Black Organizations on campus to ensure that faculty, staff and administrators are provided with anti-racist & social justice training and mentorship in their professional development series. We are exploring mandatory training in this area.
- Faculty Development will facilitate semester-long faculty learning communities including culturally relevant pedagogy, helping faculty review their curriculum and infuse ally-ship and anti-racism into the classroom. Faculty Affairs will begin a systematic campus-wide policy, procedure and process review to identify and work to eliminate racial disparities in outcomes for recruitment, retention and promotion of Black faculty, staff and administrators.
- Create an annual conference on Black Lives and Black Voices in conjunction with BFSA, BSSC and other campus groups for Fall 2021. Developing and establishing a speakers Series/Public Forum with breakout sessions/work groups to engage the entire community around issues related to social justice, equity, police reform etc.
- Develop and implement fund-raising campaign that would be facilitated by University Advancement, with measurable benchmarks (for the creation of the Institute, student scholarships, staff and faculty development, grant writers etc.)
- More funding for mental health issues, funding for counselors, therapists, advocates, social workers who can assist in helping students navigate systems while focusing on enhancing their own mental health, well-being and meeting their basic needs.