Development Training

Toastmasters Informational Meeting

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Human Resources Training Room, Oviatt Library 16, Garden Level


Facilitated by: Toastmasters International District 52

Interested in gaining more confidence and developing your leadership and communication skills in a no-pressure atmosphere? We’re looking to establish a CSUN Toastmasters chapter open to all staff and faculty. Toastmasters’ mission is to provide its members with a positive and supportive learning environment where participants can practice delivering speeches and fulfilling leadership roles, which can in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth. Your participation in a Toastmasters club can lead you to conducting effective meetings, guiding successful team collaborations, and enhancing your listening and speaking abilities.

If you’re interested in learning more and would like to help bring this great personal and professional development resource to CSUN, stop by this informational session.  Dessert and refreshments will be provided by Toastmasters International District 52.

Informational Flier

Participants in Toastmasters:

  1. Practice leading meetings, delivering impromptu and prepared speeches, and constructing effective evaluations through a system of experiential, “learn-by-doing” learning
  2. Develop skills at their own pace and comfort level
  3. Work with a team of experienced members, who will guide and encourage members through honest and supportive peer feedback and evaluations 

Separator Line


Register for this event in 4 Easy Steps:

1. Log into the myNorthridge Portal

2. Locate the Training/Professional Development pagelet and select the Employee Learning & Training Link

Portal Registration

3. Select Instructor Led Training Sessions under Upcoming Events, and find the session you want to attend

4. Select Enroll

After you have successfully enrolled, you will receive an email which you can use to automatically  book the commitment to your calendar.

If you require an accommodation to attend this program, please contact Human Resources at x 6656 at least 7 business days in advance of the program.

If you are interested in attending this session but unable to because of a conflict in when it is being offered; or have a topic for a suggested workshop or training, please let us know by accessing and completing this FORM.