
Fee Waiver / Reduction Program

California State University, Northridge proudly promotes career and professional development for employees - particularly through the University’s Fee Waiver and Reduction Program. This program allows eligible employee members to “learn while they earn,” and attend classes at CSUN or other CSU campuses for greatly reduced rates. CSUN employees who want to complete a bachelor’s or graduate degree, enhance job skills, or even prepare for a future career, are encouraged to participate in this program.  We would love to have you join the more than 1,400 members of CSUN's "Home Grown" community of current employees who have earned a degree from CalState Northridge!

Eligible staff, faculty, and management state employees may have tuition and fees for a maximum of two (2) courses or six (6) units, whichever is greater, waived/reduced each semester. Fees are waived only for classes offered in the Fall Academic Semester, the Spring Academic Semester, and State Supported classes offered during Summer Sessions. All classes must be taken for grades or credit/no credit. Enrollment in the Fee Waiver and Reduction program does not apply to self-supported programs, including enrollment in the Tseng College of Extended Learning. In addition to the employee fee waiver, eligible CSU employees may transfer his or her fee waiver benefit entitlement to a spouse, domestic partner or dependent child.

Employees taking courses for personal enrichment are encouraged to explore the option of enrolling in courses for credit/no credit to avoid GPA impact that could lead to Academic Probation or Disqualification. Good academic standing applies for participation in the fee waiver benefit.

Participation in the CSU Fee Waiver program by an employee entitles the employee to instructional services, but not student services including student health services. Participation in the CSU Fee Waiver program by a spouse, domestic partner, or dependent child of an employee entitles the spouse, domestic partner, or dependent child to utilize all services provided to other CSU students including, but not limited to, student health services.

Should you separate from CSUN before census date of the semester, you will no longer be eligible for the benefit, the fee waiver will be removed from your account and you can complete your course(s) by paying the fees due or drop the course(s). Should you separate from CSUN after census date, you can continue to use the fee waiver to cover that semester.

Note: For priority processing, submit your Summer & Fall 2025 Fee Waiver & Reduction Program Application between Monday, February 24, and Friday, April 25, 2025.

Partnering with the Office of the Registrar and Student Accounting, we will be offering a workshop on the Fee Waiver & Reduction Program Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. You can learn more and register here. (If you are unable to join us, a video of a previous session is available below.)

For more details on the Fee Waiver & Reduction Program, and to determine eligibility, please review the following information.  If you have additional questions, please contact CSUN Fee Waiver at  

Employee and Dependent Eligibility

Employee Eligibility:

Provisions of the CSU Employee Fee Waiver and Reduction Program are governed by the language in Collective Bargaining Agreements, or for non-represented employees, Executive Order 712.  Provisions may change as a result of collective bargaining negotiations, which may affect your current participation in the program. Please check Collective Bargaining Agreements for provisions concerning the appointment of part-time and permanent employees. CSU fee waiver eligibility criteria for represented and non-represented employee categories are as follow: 

Employee Unit / CategoryEligibility / Criteria

Unit 1 (Physicians)

All unit members.

Units 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 9

(CSUEU; Academic Professionals - AP; and Skilled Trades)

Full-Time employees (i.e., permanent, temporary, and probationary) and part-time permanent employees.

Unit 3 (Faculty)


  • All tenure track faculty (either tenured, probationary, or FERP). FERP faculty are eligible for the benefit only for semesters in which they have an active appointment.
  • Lecturers with a three-year temporary appointment. Three-year appointment eligibility is obtained by working at least one semester for six consecutive academic years.
  • Coaches with at least six years of service in their department. One semester in the bargaining unit on a single CSU campus during a single academic year is considered one year of service.

Unit 8, C99**, E99**, and M98

(Public Safety, Confidential, Excluded, and Executive)

Full-time or part-time permanent** employees, and full-time probationary employees (no temporary appointments).

M80 (MPP / Management)

Full-Time employees (includes temporary employees).  

Employees on authorized leaves of absence who are otherwise eligible and employees of the Chancellor's Office or other CSU campuses who have written authorization from their employer may also participate.

CSU Fee Waiver & Reduction Program eligibility is determined by the campus of employment; however, the campus of enrollment determines fees, deadlines, etc.

*FERP (Faculty Early Retirement Program) employees are considered tenured faculty and are eligible for fee waiver only during the semester in which they are actively employed.

**C99 and E99 employees only attain permanent status in part-time positions as a result of completing a probationary period in a full-time position and, subsequently reducing their time-base.


Dependent Eligibility:

Please note:  Under the Fee Waiver Program, only one set of fees is waived at the campus in which the eligible  dependent  enrolls.  This includes  the  waiver/reimbursement  of  only  one  Application  Fee regardless of the number of applications. 

  1. Eligible employees may transfer their fee waiver benefit to a spouse, dependent child or domestic partner, as noted in the table above.  Note: * Age limit for dependents in units 1 (Physicians) is age 23 and all other units is 25.

  2. Domestic partners are eligible for fee waiver if their partnership is registered with the California Secretary of State. For information on registering a domestic partnership, click on

  3. The spouse, domestic partner or dependent child must be matriculated toward a degree or the attainment of a teaching credential in the CSU and the course(s) enrolled in on a fee waiver basis must be for credit toward completion of that degree or teaching credential.

  4. The dependent fee waiver applies only to certain fees incurred by California residents.  Thus, spouses, domestic partners and dependent children who do not meet established in-state residency requirements will be responsible for paying non-resident tuition charges based upon the total number of units in which they are enrolled.

  5. Fee waiver eligibility may be transferred to only one person at a time, regardless of whether that individual uses the full entitlement of 2 courses or 6 units.  Dependents taking courses in addition to the fee waiver courses shall pay any difference in fees.

  6. If both parents are employees and eligible to transfer their fee waiver benefit to a dependent child, each employee may transfer the benefit.  Therefore, it is possible for one child to receive both benefits and be eligible to enroll in up to 4 courses or 12 units, whichever is greater.  Alternatively, each employee could transfer his or her benefit to a different child, and each child would be entitled to up to 2 courses or 6 units of fee waiver eligibility.  Dependents taking courses in addition to the fee waiver courses shall pay any difference in fees, per applicable collective bargaining agreement and campus practice.  Please note:  the full Tuition Fee is waived if a dependent takes two courses that exceed 6.0 units.

  7. Normal academic standards must be maintained by the spouse, domestic partner or dependent child in order to continue participating in the fee waiver program.

  8. An employee who wishes to transfer his or her fee waiver benefit to a spouse, domestic partner or dependent child certifies that the individual using the benefit is in fact a spouse, domestic partner or dependent child.

Application Submission Timeline

  • When planning your enrollment and for priority processing, submit your Fee Waiver application during the posted submission timeline.

  • Staff members hired after the fee waiver enrollment deadline and other applications may be accepted after the submission window - please contact the Fee Waiver Coordinator at feewaiver@ for more information. 

  • Note: For priority processing, submit your Summer & Fall 2025 Fee Waiver & Reduction Program Application between Monday, February 24, and Friday, April 25, 2025.



Classes taken through the Fee Waiver Program may be for Career Development, Work Related, or Personal Enrichment. If your course(s) is Work Related, at the time of enrollment complete and submit the Work Related Enrollment Request form to the Fee Waiver Coordinator, at Mail Drop 8229. 

The fee waiver application is online and accessed through the CSUN Portal. Select "HR," then select "Benefits." On the next page, select "Fee Waiver" then sign-in with your CSUN Credentials. Once signed in, select the "OK" button to being the application process.


  • Click on the magnifying glass next to the “Fee Waiver Term” box and select the term for which you wish to apply. Only the terms currently open for applications will be listed.
  • The link is different for each term and should be accessed and completed each time you wish to use this benefit.
  • Fee Waiver requests must be completed online and should be submitted during the priority processing period. 
  • An e-mail indicating receipt of request will be sent immediately when the application is submitted. This indicates that you are eligible at this time. If you do not receive an e-mail, please follow up with Fee Waiver Coordinator to verify your request was received.

  • For information on how to register for classes, contact Admissions and Records at x3700. The enrollment form is online at
  • Employees taking courses for personal enrichment are encouraged to explore the option of enrolling in courses for credit/no credit to avoid GPA impact that could lead to Academic Probation or Disqualification. Good academic standing applies for participation in the fee waiver benefit.
  • Your enrollment with the university may be cancelled if all applicable fees are not paid by the required deadlines.
  • If you are a student with early registration (through DRES, for example), email after submitting your fee waiver application, so your application can be processed as soon as possible.

Application Fee Reimbursement Request

Per the CSU Employee Fee Waiver and Reduction Program, a Cal State Apply application fee may be reimbursed as part of the benefit. The reimbursement is only for the campus at which the student attends during that term, so if you/your eligible dependent apply to multiple campuses, you will only be eligible for reimbursement of one fee, for the campus you/your dependent ultimately attend.

To access and complete the appropriate application fee reimbursement request form, visit: Fee Waiver Application Fee Reimbursement Request Forms.

Employee & Dependent Program Fees

Please refer to Student Accounting's Website for current Undergraduate, Graduate, Teaching Credential, and Doctorate Fees for Employees and Dependents:

Spring 2025 Employee Program Fees
Spring 2025 Dependent Program Fees

Tax Implications

The following tax-free or taxable benefits are available to CSU employees and their eligible spouses, domestic partners, and/or dependent children.   

Please note that it is the level of the course that determines taxability, not the education level of the employee.  

Eligible Participant

Course level(s)

Tax Status

CSU Employee


Non-taxable/Non-taxable up to $5,250*

Employee’s Spouse/Dependent Child



Employee’s Domestic Partner



*Per the HR/Benefits 2020-02 technical letter, effective 1/1/19, all graduate level employees receiving a benefit of over $5,250 in a calendar year will be taxed by their home campus.  Employees may consult with their personal tax advisor to determine if courses taken are job-related and include the deduction on their personal tax return.

Internal Revenue Code governs the taxation of employer-provided training and educational assistance, including fee waivers. The flat tax rate is 36.25% (Federal 22%, State 6.6%, and if applicable, Social Security 6.2% and Medicare 1.45%) of the taxable amount and may be adjusted annually. The imputed income is reported to the State Controller’s Office once each term. The reporting is done after census for the term, so there is no adverse tax reporting on imputed income when an employee or an employee’s dependent drops courses. If the fee waiver benefit you or your dependent received is taxable, you will receive an email notice prior to having the taxation deducted from your pay warrant. A tax preparer or financial advisor should be consulted for specific tax-related guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions - General Information

  1. How do I know if I am eligible for Fee Waiver?

    Fee waiver eligibility is determined by employment status and bargaining unit. Please visit the “Employee and Dependent Eligibility” drop down on this page for specific information.

  2. Is there a deadline for applying for Fee Waiver?

    For priority processing, submit your Fee Waiver & Reduction Application during the priority submission window.  Some applications may be accepted after the priority processing window - please contact the Fee Waiver Coordinator via email at for more information.

  3. How will I know if my application was electronically submitted?

    An e-mail indicating receipt of your request will be sent to you immediately after the application is submitted. If you do not receive an e-mail receipt, please follow up with the fee waiver coordinator at 818-677-2173 or via e-mail at to verify that our office received your request. Please Note: If you receive an error message, please save as "draft" and contact the Fee Waiver Coordinator at

  4. How often do I have to apply for the fee waiver program?

    You must submit an application to this program each time either you or your dependent intends to register for classes. For priority processing, submit your Fee Waiver & Reduction Application during the priority processing submission window.

  5. Are University Corporation, University Student Union and Associated Students employees eligible for this program?

    As it is funded by the State, Fee Waiver is a benefit exclusively for state employees.

  6. Is the CSU application fee waived or reimbursed through the fee waiver program?

    The CSU application fee can be reimbursed by the Office of Admissions and Records. To avoid delays in processing your admission, please pay the application fee by the deadline, then submit an Application Fee Reimbursement Request.

  7. What course fees are waived or reduced?

    The particular fees that are waived or reduced are determined by your bargaining unit contract.

    Details can be found the Student Accounting page.

  8. Can the CSU Fee Waiver and Reduction program be used at any CSU campus?

    Eligible employees and their dependents may use fee waiver at any CSU campus. Each campus has its own application and enrollment schedules. Check with the other CSU campus for any questions regarding academic application and enrollment. The CSUN Fee Waiver Coordinator will forward our fee waiver documentation to the the coordinator for the campus of enrollment for tuition and fee adjustment. Employees and their dependents using the fee waiver at other CSU campuses must be taking courses for either Career Development or Work Related Training. 

  9. How do I know which courses are fee waiver eligible?

    The CSU Fee Waiver and Reduction program can only waive tuition for state-supported courses. This excludes all extension and extended learning courses. To see which courses are state-supported and fee waiver eligible, click on class search link and select the following session for each term. If your course is listed as part of that session, it is state-supported and eligible for the fee waiver benefit.

    For summer terms
    Session: “Year-Round Cohort Courses”

    For fall or spring terms
    Session: “Regular”
  10. Can I use my fee waiver in the summer?

    The Cal State Fee Waiver program can only waive fees for state-supported courses. As of, 2023 the majority of Summer classes will be offered on a state-supported basis. Courses offered through the Tseng College of Extended Learning are not eligible for fee waiver.

  11. Can  I use the fee waiver in the winter?

    There is no state-supported winter session at CSUN, but if you or your dependent intend to enroll in state-supported courses on another campus for the winter term, please email the Fee Waiver Coordinator at for the winter application password. The winter application is available during the same priority processing period as the spring application.

  12. Can I enroll in more than two classes?

    Yes, the fee waiver will waive a full two courses or six units, whichever is greater. If you enroll in more than two classes and/or more than six units, you will need to pay any additional tuition.

  13. How do I enroll in my classes and view charges on my account?

    Enrollment can be done quickly and easily by accessing your web portal and clicking on the Services for Students link. A list of options will display. Click on the Enroll in a Class link followed by the semester in which you intend to enroll. If you have any questions, contact Admissions and Records at ext.3700. You can view charges on your account after you have successfully enrolled in your classes. To do so, click the Charges and Payments link followed by View Account Information and then the Current Charges Due link to ensure that your fees were waived and reduced accordingly.
  14. What happens if I end my employment or separate from CSUN?

Should you separate from CSUN before census date of the semester, you will no longer be eligible for the benefit, the fee waiver will be removed from your account and you can complete your course(s) by paying the fees due or drop the course(s). Should you separate from CSUN after census date, you can continue to use the fee waiver to cover that semester.


Frequently Asked Questions - Employees

  1. Do I have to fill out a student admission application in order to take classes using fee waiver?

    You have to apply to the CSU of your choice only if you are taking classes toward a degree program. If you are not working toward a degree, but are taking work-related or personal development classes, the CSU Fee Waiver and Reduction Program application acts as an application to the University.

  2. Must I be enrolled in a degree program to utilize fee waiver?

    The fee waiver program may be used by employees for classes outside of a degree program. 

  3. What are job-related classes?

    Job-related courses are intended to improve the level of skill needed to perform existing duties and responsibilities or acquire additional skills needed to perform newly assigned duties and responsibilities.

    Per the HR/Benefits 2018-20 technical letter, effective 1/1/19, all graduate level employees receiving a benefit of over $5,250 in a calendar year will be taxed by their home campus. Employees may consult their personal tax advisor to determine if courses taken are job-related and include the deduction on their personal tax return. If you are taking job-related courses, please complete the Work-Related Enrollment Request Form and submit it to the Fee Waiver Coordinator, mail drop 8229.

  4. Can I take time off during my work schedule to attend classes?

    Release time is time your supervisor releases you to attend a course during your regular working hours. In some cases, release time for one class per semester may be granted if operational needs of the department are met. If you request time off during the work day to attend classes, your classes should be work-related. When permission is granted, it is generally accommodated through an alternate work schedule, as agreed to by the supervisor/manager. The proposed schedule must be approved by your supervisor prior to enrolling in classes. Alternate work schedules may not include taking lunch hours at the beginning or end of a work shift, or working through mandated fifteen-minute breaks during a normal work schedule. In all cases, operational needs of a department outweigh requests for alternate work schedules.

    If you are taking work-related courses, please complete the Work-Related Enrollment Request Form and submit it to the Fee Waiver Coordinator, mail drop 8229. 

  5. What should I do if I want to attain a degree, but I don't know what classes to take?

    See an academic advisor in the college of your choice to obtain degree-related information.
  6. Do I have to obtain a CSUN student I. D. card?

    Your employee I. D. card is all you need. 

9. As an employee using the fee waiver, do I need to maintain good academic standing?

Employees taking courses for personal enrichment are encouraged to explore the option of enrolling in courses for credit/no credit to avoid GPA impact that could lead to Academic Probation or Disqualification. Good academic standing applies for participation in the fee waiver benefit. 

Frequently Asked Questions - Dependent Child, Spouse, and Domestic Partner

  1. To whom can I transfer this benefit?

    Employees are allowed to transfer this benefit to their spouse, registered domestic partner, or dependent child. Please visit the “Employee and Dependent Eligibility” drop down on this page for specific information.
  2. Can I take one class and my dependent take one class through this program in the same semester? Or, can my two dependent children take classes through this program at the same time

    Only one person can use this benefit per semester. The benefit cannot be shared.  Only one dependent is eligible per semester. You may, however, alternate the benefit between you/your dependents every other semester.
  3. Do I have to report the classes that my dependent is taking each semester?

    No, however your dependent must be enrolled in a degree or credential program and taking courses toward the attainment of that degree or credential in order to be eligible.
  4. What happens if my dependent child turns 23 or 25 (depending on bargaining unit) during the semester?

    Your dependent child is eligible for the program until his/her birthday. If that occurs during the semester, your dependent child is allowed to complete that semester using this benefit but will not be eligible for the following semester.
  5. My dependent child is over the age of 23 or 25 (depending on bargaining unit). Is she/he eligible for fee waiver?

    Dependent children over the age limit (based on the bargaining unit) are not eligible for fee waiver.

  6. Can my dependent enroll in more than 2 classes?

    Yes, however, this program covers only any combination of 6 units or 2 classes, whichever is greater, per semester. For example 2 four-unit courses are eligible, just as 1 one-unit course, 1 two-unit course, and 1 three-unit course are eligible through this program. There are several other combinations of courses that are eligible through this program. If you or your dependent take more than 2 classes or 6 units you will need to pay all additional fees.
  7. Does my dependent have to pay out-of-state fees?

    Yes, out-of-state fees cannot be waived or reduced through this program if the dependents does not have established CA residency.

Fee Waiver Videos