• 39th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference - March 18 - 22,2024 at the Anaheim Marriott

    The Premier AT Conference

38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded

Does It Comply? To “Can I Use It?” – Task-Focused Accessibility

Date & Time
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 10:20 AM PST  
Platinum 5 (VISPERO)  
Accessibility standards help us test whether accessibility barriers are present in a digital product and indicate how we might fix them. But ultimately, our goal should be to ensure that people with disabilities can use the product for its intended purpose. With limited resources, how can we ensure that efforts are focused on ensuring successful task completion? This talk will cover some techniques that apply a task-oriented focus to accessibility efforts and will help teams identify ways to prioritize barrier identification and removal that has the most positive impact on people with disabilities.

This Presentation Link is provided by the Presenter(s) and not hosted by the Center on Disabilities at CSUN. The Center on Disabilities has confirmed, as of May 1, 2023, content linked is relevant to the presentation, but has not been reviewed for accessibility nor will the Center on Disabilities attempt to remediate any accessibility issues in the linked content. Please contact the Presenter(s) with any accessibility concerns.

Audience Level
Session Summary (Abstract)
This talk will cover some techniques that apply a task-oriented focus to accessibility efforts and will help teams identify ways to prioritize barrier identification and removal that has the most positive impact on people with disabilities.  
Primary Topic
Secondary Topics
Session Type
General Track  


  • David Sloan

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