38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded
Making LMS Documents Accessible
- Date & Time
Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 10:20 AM PST
- Location
- Description
During this session, we will explore the challenges and opportunities around making the documents within an organization’s Learning Management System (LMS) accessible. We will review some potential consequences when documents do not meet ADA or Section 508 compliance guidelines. We will discuss the legal reasons and why it’s good for business when learners can consume lessons in ways they can best understand.
Currently, there are more than 800 options of LMS platforms ranging from open source to proprietary. There are LMS platforms for both corporate and education users. In the corporate world, LMS platforms manage, track, and distribute employee training, including compliance training and customer education. In education, coursework is shared and managed using LMS platforms.
Making documents compliant with ADA and Section 508 is important within LMS platforms. Content must be equally accessible by people with all abilities and the assistive devices they may use (including PCs, MACs, tablets, and smartphones). It is critically important to provide a level playing field when it comes to enabling excellent job performance or understanding course materials in a way that is equitable compared to other students and learners.
- Audience
- Higher Education
- K-12 Education
- Government
- Audience Level
- Session Summary (Abstract)
Learn the challenges of making LMS documents accessible. Students and employees must understand training and course content. Their grade or job depends on it. Making it accessible for all is a legal responsibility and leads to a great reputation.
- Primary Topic
- Secondary Topics
- Session Type
General Track
- Glenn Gross
Crawford Technologies
Add to Outlook/iCal (How it works)
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