38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded
What's the ROI on Document Accessibility?
- Date & Time
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 1:20 PM PST
- Location
- Description
Document accessibility isn’t a new concept, but there’s something that has been changing, especially within the last decade, it is becoming more and more the standard and less and less the exception, and the cost for being non-compliant has reached substantial amounts. Organizations are realizing how important it is to make customer-facing information accessible, compliant, and usable. Because of this, they are learning to incorporate document accessibility into their daily routines. For many, this is still a new concept, and therefore need help understanding the importance of having a document accessibility workflow in place.
Lawsuits and litigation issues for being non-compliant are on the rise, but some solutions will prevent this from ever happening; solutions that can combine automation, Artificial Intelligence/Computer Learning, and manual remediation to establish a solid workflow that will deliver document accessibility, compliance, and usability.
This session will describe the various advantages of having a functioning and successful document accessibility plan that, when implemented properly, will deliver an ideal ROI.
- Audience
- Higher Education
- Government
- Healthcare & Rehabilitation
- Finance & Banking
- Insurance
- Audience Level
- Session Summary (Abstract)
There is a misconception that providing accessible documents is expensive and time-consuming. However, when done properly, it is the opposite and can provide organizations with an edge.
- Primary Topic
- Secondary Topics
- Digital Accessibility
- Evaluation & Remediation
- Law, Compliance, and Policy
- Web
- Session Type
General Track
- Doug Koppenhofer
Crawford Technologies
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