38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded
How Document Accessibility Fits into Digital Accessibility
- Date & Time
Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 11:20 AM PST
- Location
- Description
Website accessibility has been at the forefront of inclusive access, but often we forget about the number of formatted documents on websites. Documents such as PDFs, Word files, or PowerPoint also must be made accessible. Millions to Billions of documents are created daily and monthly. Transactional documents like invoices, statements, letters, and reports are personalized and contain personal and confidential information that may have timely payment or action are hosted. This information and other “document” related PDFs and Word files are housed on websites, and many exist in business enterprises. Documents communicate critical information that must be inclusive. As organizations plan to implement accessibility, this should not be a retrofit but a way to implement accessibility as a culture from authoring to publishing. Documents for staff and clients, as well as websites, should be in scope. Digital accessibility for documents should not be an afterthought.
- Audience
- Information & Communications Technology
- Government
- Healthcare & Rehabilitation
- Finance & Banking
- Employment & Human Resources
- Audience Level
- Session Summary (Abstract)
Digital accessibility is being pushed with electronic presentment and PDF documents on websites. How do you manage and present both transactional and website documents? What is the best practice?
- Primary Topic
- Secondary Topics
- Design
- Digital Accessibility
- Employment & Workplace
- Session Type
General Track
- Dennis Quon
Crawford Technologies Inc.
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