38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded
UDL Classroom Management: Achieving Optimal Sensory Arousal
- Date & Time
Friday, March 17, 2023 - 11:20 AM PST
- Location
Platinum 2
- Description
Because of the recent pandemic, students across the nation were forced to participate in school virtually. The unusual stress forced upon the students, as well as others living in their homes, was evident upon the return to a traditional school model. Reports of students’ perceived trauma during this time resulted in a noticeable increase in disruptive behavior. Students attempted to deal with a heightened sense of threat based on learned fear and isolation by using physical movement, sounds, and other behaviors that were disruptive to learning.
To address this new phenomenon, classrooms in Kentucky began implementing sensory rooms and sensory spaces. Trainings across the state ensued, instructing educators on identifying sensory processing disorders and strategies to regulate and maintain homeostasis within the student. With this emphasis, a new strategy emerged for classroom management that uses Universal Design for Learning (UDL). This innovative approach includes reading, writing, and math instruction with sensory components embedded throughout the instructional day. This integration of sensory regulation and academic instruction uses sensory tool kits and techniques that are good for teaching all students, but absolutely essential for students that experienced trauma. This new approach to sensory needs and disruptive behavior reduction is OARS (Optimal Arousal Reading-Writing-Math Strategies).
- Audience
K-12 Education
- Audience Level
- Session Summary (Abstract)
Ky is using approach using UDL techniques to merge sensory processing strategies with academic instruction. In this session participants will learn to identify sensory processing needs and academic strategies to satiate student sensory needs.
- Primary Topic
Cognitive & Learning Disabilities
- Secondary Topics
- Education
- Evaluation & Remediation
- Session Type
General Track
- David Daniel
West Kentucky Educational Cooperative
- Martha Daniel
West Kentucky Educational Cooperative
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