38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded
Design System Accessibility
- Date & Time
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 3:20 PM PST
- Location
Platinum 7-8
- Description
What is wrong with Design Systems today?
Accessibility is often an afterthought, with many available design systems having numerous errors.
What are Design Systems?
A design system is a collection of components which work like building blocks to build a web application.
Why is it important for a Design System to be Accessible?
Because Design Systems are the building blocks of an application, they are used in all facets of all Intuit products. Given their prevalence throughout the applications, it is critical that they meet the highest standards of accessibility.
If my Design System is Accessible, am I done worrying about accessibility?
Yes, while building a strong foundation is essential, it is not enough to ensure that the components are used correctly, or that other custom elements are built correctly.
What design system do we have here at Intuit?
We have 1 design system: a component library that follows a set of standards compiled by designers, product managers, and us, the accessibility team. We also have 8 different products to design for. We solve for this by making our design system dynamic, so that certain elements can change while the base component remains the same.
What special accessibility considerations have been made for Intuit?
Accessibility is a part of the design process, and is taken into consideration before implementation has even begun. On top of this, I am currently adding automation testing for accessibility all throughout the design system.
- Audience
- Higher Education
- Information & Communications Technology
- Government
- Administration & Business Support
- Audience Level
- Session Summary (Abstract)
A Design System is the backbone of any application, and far too often accessibility is only an afterthought. Learn how to improve accessibility and performance of your product, while also maintaining a consistent look and feel across your brand.
- Primary Topic
Digital Accessibility
- Secondary Topics
- Design
- Development
- Engineering
- Web
- Session Type
General Track
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