• 39th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference - March 18 - 22,2024 at the Anaheim Marriott

    The Premier AT Conference

38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded

Addressing the Workforce Shortage through Tech

Date & Time
Friday, March 17, 2023 - 10:20 AM PST  
Elite 1-3  
Ohio has published a report that details data regarding Direct Support Professional recruitment & retention, assistive technology & remote supports, and our commitment to technology to sustain our service system. Based on this data, Ohio has set benchmarks related to technology and the workforce crisis. These benchmarks will be described in the session and are as follows: Indicator 1: Remote Supports service will increase 15 percent by June 30, 2023 Indicator 2: 18 percent of people who use residential supports will use remote supports by 2026 Indicator 3: 25 percent of people who utilize HCBS Services will use Technology or Virtual Supports by 2026 Additional efforts of the state will also be described such as Governor DeWine's Administration recently launching a PSA campaign for recruiting direct care workers, including DSPs. The ad pushes applicants to go to the Ohio Means Jobs website to find job openings. Providers in Ohio are encouraged to post openings on the Ohio Means Jobs website for job seekers to find easily and include "DSP" in the title. This session will wrap up by linking these efforts with the work of Ohio’s Workforce Crisis Task Force as well as our Technology First movement.

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  • Disability Specific
  • Government
  • Healthcare & Rehabilitation
  • Administration & Business Support
Audience Level
Session Summary (Abstract)
Technology First & the DSP Workforce Crisis: Ohio’s Future Paved by Technology will be presented including data and indicators of progress. Additional statewide efforts will be reviewed linking to Ohio’s Workforce Taskforce & Technology First.  
Primary Topic
Leadership & Strategy  
Secondary Topics
  • Independent Living
  • Law, Compliance, and Policy
  • Research
Session Type
General Track  


  • Kelly Schuck
    Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities

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