Black House

  • The Black House Wordmark

Student Resources

Africana Studies Writing Lab (AFRS)

  1. One-Unit Lab (AFRS 099): This workshop is ideal for students who would benefit from a more structured tutorial program during which they work with trained tutors one-to-one or in small groups for two hours each week (preferably spread over two days). The carefully screened and selected tutors demonstrate a strong ability to help students with a variety of projects, from methodical and structured grammar instruction to methods of effectively writing term and research papers. The peer tutors are trained in mentorship strategies, and are patient, kind, and knowledgeable with the students they serve.
  2. 30-minute Scheduled Appointments with Tutors: Students in Africana writing classes or any other disciplines are free to make appointments to work with available tutors or any areas of reading and writing.
  3. Drop-In Tutorials: On a limited basis, the Africana Studies Writing Center will accept drop-in students who need immediate help with writing if there are tutors available to work with such students at the time they come in.
  4. Supplemental Instruction (SI) Tutorials: This tutorial is limited to students registered in PAS 113A and 113B, Stretch Composition courses. Tutors for these tutorials are required to attend the 113 classes and then immediately after, meet with the students in the lab to provide opportunities to practice writing as well as to assist with issues arising from the lectures.
  5. The African Studies Reference Library: The Writing Lab is also the home of the Department’s Reference Library, which continues to grow and evolve as more books related to a wide topic within Africana Studies as well as writing pedagogy are added to its shelves. These books, many of them donated, provide a ready resource to students, tutors, and faculty, and are regularly employed during instructional sessions.
    The Lab has a faculty supervisor and peer tutors who are friendly, knowledgeable, patient, and—perhaps best of all—our services are available at no cost to currently enrolled students! However, priority is given to students enrolled in AFRS 099 – The Writer’s Workshop.

    Writing Lab Hours: During the academic semester, Writing Lab hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, Friday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Closed Saturday and Sunday.

    Call or stop by to make an appointment: SH 273; Phone: 818-677-2084

    Africana Studies

    The Africana Studies major is designed to empower students with a knowledge base that will afford them an in-depth understanding of an African and African American centered perspective. Students in this field of study will develop an awareness of the African diaspora that embodies critical thinking, parallel reasoning/inquiry and sensitivity to the issues of social class, gender, race, culture and ethnicity. Upon completion of an undergraduate degree in Africana Studies, students have a foundation which prepares them to pursue careers in education, urban planning, business, entertainment, media, journalism, government, politics, international services, social work, criminal justice, counseling, and other employment ventures. Students continuing their education in graduate studies are successful in pursuing careers in Law, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Entertainment and Education to name a few. Students are encouraged to seek internships, as well as opportunities to study abroad. The Africana Studies major affords its students, indeed encourages and empowers them, to pursue careers in the public and private sectors with competence, conscience and compassion.

    The Department of Africana Studies provides students an opportunity to develop as scholars and engaged community members. Indeed, community engagementis a central pillar of our department. Students develop as critical thinkers inside the classroom and apply those analytical skills to the world around them to champion justice and liberation of Africana peoples and cultures. The rich tradition of student activism has been a hallmark of our department since its historic founding in 1969.

    Black Scholarships

    This page should be able to be updated regularly, and should have a short description of scholarships that are designed for black students.

    The University Library

    This should include a link to the University library and if applicable, a link to all of the books written by Black Authors. We would also like to have a direct link to access e-reading assigned by AFRS professors.

    Maps/Directions(Interactive Maps)

    We would like to develop an interactive map that takes you to important black spaces on campus such as “Little Crenshaw” (seatingarea outside of Sierra Hall), the Africana Studies Office, and the Black House. Our goal is to develop a GPS system to get you to the Black House from any point on campus, including important black spaces.


    We want to make the EOP program and resources accessible for Black students to get more information on becoming a part of the program.

    Virtual Resources