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Chapter 12 Translation Practice

  1. And wearþ se cyng swyþe gram wiþ þa burhware.
  2. He wæs swyþe spedig man.
  3. Ac he is snel and swift and swiþe leoht.
  4. Ða wurdon þa mynstermen micclum afyrhte.
  5. Ond þær wearþ Heahmund bisceop ofslægen ond fela godra monna.
  6. And þæt byne land is easteweard bradost.
  7. He wæs mid þæm fyrstum mannum on þæm lande.
  8. Se hwæl biþ micle læssa þonne oþre hwalas.
  9. Ða beoþ swyþe dyre mid Finnum, for þæm hy foþ þa wildan hranas mid.
  10. Wæs þær in neaweste untrumra monna hus.

Chapter 12 Vocabulary

Chapter 12 Answers

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