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Geography 497 F


Image: Compass and Map Icon

Forensic Geography

This course is designed to help students learn how to use the tools and techniques of the forensic geographer so they may prepare to do research in criminology or prepare for a career in the criminal justice field. Class activities will be split nearly evenly between discussion of concepts and theories, and applications of statistical tech niques /spatial analysi. 

Course Description

This course will introduce students to the use of Geographic Information Systems and other data processing and storage software as they relate to criminal justice and crime statistics.

Students will be able to recount the principal theories of crime and criminal behavior and will apply several of those theories in a Geographic Information System with data provided or gathered by students.

Among the strategies and techniques introduced in this course are: regression (ordinary least squares / geographically weighted ), spatial autocorrelation, web mapping, several hot-spot analysis, and other predictive crime mapping tools.

For more, see the links on the left navigation bar. Most of the course material for this class is on the MOODLE site for the class.

Click on the links on the left navigation bar for more information regarding the course.

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