California Family Resource Centers | Michael D. Eisner College of Education | Department of Special Education | Deaf Studies Department | National Center on Deafness

Deaf Education And Families Project

DEAF Project is partners with

Did you Know?

Five ways to Strengthen Communication in your Home


Five Tips in Spanish | pdf


Resource guide for parents of infants and toddlers who are deaf or hard of hearing

Learn more from Committee Member and DEAF Project Parent Mentor, Cora Shahid!


California Department of Education Releases Position Statement on Access to Language for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

(available on the CDE website as a downloadable PDF too)

Did you also Know?

California Education Code Section 56426.1 provides specific guidance related to EARLY START and the services young deaf/hard of hearing children and their families should be receiving.

(a) Home-based early education services funded pursuant to Sections 56427, 56428, and 56432 shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:

(1) Observing the infant's behavior and development in his or her natural environment.

(2) Presenting activities that are developmentally appropriate for the infant and are specially designed, based on the infant's exceptional needs, to enhance the infant's development. Those activities shall be developed to conform with the infant's individualized family service plan and to ensure that they do not conflict with his or her medical needs.

(3) Modeling and demonstrating developmentally appropriate activities for the infant to the parents, siblings, and other caregivers, as designated by the parent.

(4) Interacting with the family members and other caregivers, as designated by the parent, to enhance and reinforce their development of skills necessary to promote the infant's development.

(5) Discussing parental concerns related to the infant and the family, and supporting parents in coping with their infant's needs.

(6) Assisting parents to solve problems, to seek other services in their community, and to coordinate the services provided by various agencies.

(b) The frequency of home-based services shall be once or twice a week, depending on the needs of the infant and the family.

(c) This section shall become operative on July 1, 1998.

REFER yourself or a family

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