Hello Colleagues,
Seasons greetings! The end of the semester is here, and I know everyone is looking forward to a relaxing break. I hope you are spending some time with those you love. I personally plan to enjoy family, play some tennis, and take long walks with my dog.
I feel good about our work during this Fall Semester. We all pulled together to make a difference for our students, and I know all our planning and effort will ensure that the Spring Semester brings a return to the vibrant campus life we all love. Of course, we all have to stay flexible -- the COVID situation requries that -- but I've been enjoying my walks on our beautiful campus, and I am eager to see more of you in the upcoming weeks.
This issue of the newsletter includes plenty of good news, including updates on the Faculty Hiring Initative, the Diversity and Equity Innovation Grants, the Road Map to the Future, and a very interesting interview with one of our newest faculty members, Dr. Nicardo McInnis. Enjoy!
Mary Beth Walker, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs